
.mouseenter(function () { Gemini in Love | Gemini Career. Carefully monitor your stress levels, wash your hands often and stay away from anyone with so much as a sniffle! var $content = $(dropdown).find('.dropdown-content'); $content.hide(300); But going on the attack (even the counterattack) could create far stronger blowback than you expect, possibly doing permanent damage to others AND yourself. Talk about setting the stage for a dramatic celebration! Get a simple yes or no answer with actionable advice. Experiment with ways to increase your work productivity. Taurus

Aim for resolution instead of pouring kerosene on a conflict. The moon is square Neptune Rx at 4:19 a.m. Chat with a psychic now for instant answers. Thwart Mercury retrograde’s disorganized havoc by streamlining and systematizing before you add anything new to your already-packed life. Maybe you rushed into a relationship? background: transparent url( no-repeat 100% calc(100% - 500px); The month begins on a productive note this Thursday, October 1, as the ardent Aries full moon activates your eleventh house of teamwork and technology.

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When your quicksilver ruler, Mercury, pivots into reverse, it loves to mess with technology, travel and communication. Ready for reinvention? Gemini

Use this time to declutter, organize and get your work processes flowing efficiently. .mouseleave(function () { Now that Pluto’s moving forward again, you can resume the course you were on earlier this year. Feeling irked by someone’s antics? $('.dropdown-content').hide(300);

Week 3: October 19-25Enough already? Geminis can’t stand having their mobility hampered or their words misconstrued, so strap yourself in for a ride through uncharted space.

Simplify and streamline your systems. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {

On Tuesday, October 27, your ruler, Mercury, will back into Libra and your fifth house of romance and self-expression for the rest of its retrograde (until Saturday, November 3).

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This week serves up another intense Mars mashup. }

Instead of charging into a new plan, start slow, and tracke your eating and exercise with an app like MyFitnessPal so you can get an idea of your existing patterns. Avoid making any irreversible decisions while the quicksilver planet is mucking up matters. Could it bring back an ex or some old drama?

Gemini Love Horoscope. else { Get an Accurate Prediction today. Monthly Overview for all signs. }); } Your psychic powers will be dialed up high. } The key is talking, but this may not be as easy as it sounds, because both of you need to drop your defenses and start relating from the heart.

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Hold your fire for now. On Tuesday, October 13, your ruling planet, Mercury, will turn retrograde (backward) until November 3.