Coronavirus Health topic page from the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations that focuses on world public health. Using the Ovid medical research platform, Wolters Kluwer developed two Expert Searches focused on Wuhan coronavirus. Cornaviruses including COVID-19 from the National Institute on Allergies and Infectious Diseases. OVE platform for COVID-19 Evidence stands for Living OVerview of Evidence. Contains information for Primary care, Secondary care and Community health, social care, mental health trusts and ambulance services. Evidence Aid specialises in collating and summarising the best available evidence about how to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters and emergencies. Topics include hand washing, limiting contact, keeping a safe distance, self isolation, and working from home. Daily updates are provided in their dashboard of clinical trials in the pipeline for potential Coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments.

This is a guide to disaster medicine and public health emergency literature and related information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Information Management Research Center. An Interactive worldwide map of the COVID-19 epidemic, showing global numbers of cases and deaths. CDC – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information and updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), national public health institute of the United States. To support this initiative, NLM is adapting its standard procedures for depositing articles into PMC to provide greater flexibility that will ensure coronavirus research is readily available. The NHS Library and Knowledge Services team at Health Education England has. The course explains what is currently known about the disease outbreak, what the virus it is, how it is thought to spread, how to respond to it, and implications for the future. The references can be viewed and exported in order to create systematic reviews. Christie Moffatt is Manager of the Digital Manuscripts Program in the History of Medicine Division at the National Library of Medicine and Chair of NLM’s Web Collecting and Archiving Working Group. Once logged in, the review is in the "Other Reviews" tab (called "Review containing the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset"). This resource is part of the Epistemonikos multilingual database of health evidence, the largest source of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making, and a large source of other types of scientific evidence. Website tracking the COVID-19 epidemic spread. By making this collection of coronavirus articles more readily available in machine-readable formats, NLM aims to enable artificial intelligence researchers to develop and apply novel approaches to text mining to help answer questions about coronavirus. into Bengali, Indian-Punjabi, Pakistani-Punjabi, Polish, Slovak, Somali, and Urdu. This includes information published in Mandarin Chinese, from sources including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. PMC currently provides access to nearly 6 million full-text journal articles. It is made available so that those who intend to undertake reviews can check the evidence base before doing so, thus avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort. PHE Knowledge and Library Service Weekly Care Homes evidence digest, Daily updates about the status of COVID-19 in the UK published by. followed by a living network meta-analysis of study results as soon as they are available. They are working with global partners and a team of information specialists to identify systematic reviews that might be relevant to interventions for COVID-19, interventions that might help health and social care services to cope with the impact of the COVID-19 response on other health conditions and healthcare interventions, and the impact of COVID-19 on non-health outcomes (e.g. The MEDBOX team has compiled a collection of the most important guidelines and resources, situation reports, communication tools, laboratory guidance, etc. A number of organisations have developed search strategies to make it easier for people to find the evidence on freely-available information sources: CADTH has developed a set of literature searching tools for COVID-19, which include search strings, and links to grey literature resources. Get the latest public health information from CDC: - this site lays out the evidence and the facts about the virus, the disease, the epidemic, and its control. Tags: coronavirus, corvid-19.

{ NICE has started producing rapid guidelines and evidence reviews and these are listed on this page. It will also aim to bring this collection to the attention of the artificial intelligence and machine learning research communities. Posted by Bobbi Newman on February 27th, 2020 MedlinePlus (Added 3/2/2020), American Libraries Magazine Suggested Titles. This work makes use of NLM’s PubMed Central® (PMC), a digital archive of peer-reviewed biomedical and life sciences literature. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health is working on multiple fronts to aid in the COVID-19 response through new initiatives with the global publishing community and artificial intelligence researchers. Provides information regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). LitCovid is a unique web system for tracking the most recent publications and literature about the 2019 Coronavirus (2019-nCov,SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) outbreak. About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): This World Health Organization course provides a general introduction to COVID-19 and emerging respiratory viruses and is intended for public health professionals, incident managers and personnel working for the United Nations, international organizations and NGOs. “The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which used to be called the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), is a new type of coronavirus. The PHE Evidence Cell has been producing scoping searches and summaries, evidence summaries, and rapid reviews.

The programme has been created by Health Education England and includes key materials to help the health and care workforce respond to Coronavirus.Courses in the Coronavirus programme currently include: Essential Guidance from the NHS and Government, Public Health England – Personal Protective Equipment. The Working Group is archiving content documenting the international, federal, state, and local government response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak as well as social media communications using popular hashtags. Please note that it is not an exhaustive list. Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, isolated from a patient.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) summary from The National Library of Medicine. Information and guidance on misinformation from HM Government. NLM will continue to develop, review, describe, and add content related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to the Global Health Events web archive and welcomes recommendations for additional content to include. Search strings and Grey Literature resources are available on their website. These are available, The PHE Knowledge and Library Services Team has compiled a. 8600 Rockville Pike Resources for health professionals and global health workers, this page brings together relevant published data from a global health perspective on the coronavirus outbreak. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. CDC is one of the major operating components of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

NLM has already made more than 10,000 full-text scholarly articles from PMC related to the coronavirus available through the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19).