This book guides you through planning the installation or upgrade of the Solaris operating system when using any installation program. I had a more complicated script written a long time ago to find out this information, I want to find out what kind of machines are running at a... Hello, This next command shows how to find all files beneath the current directory that end with the extension .java, and contain the characters StringBuffer.
I am DBA who needs some help with find command. In this article I’ll take a look at the most common uses of the find command. Solaris : How to set limit on the maximum number of open files per process, How to Install Oracle Solaris 11 (Text Installer), The ultimate Solaris jumpstart troubleshooting guide, What are Oracle Solaris 11 Installation Methods, How to setup a chroot ssh/sftp in Solaris 10, How to send mails with attachments using the solaris mailx command, Solaris 11 : Increasing the size of a vdisk in LDom ( with backend device as ZFS volume ), How to add Additional Storage Space Created from Dynamic LUN Expansion in SVM online, How to set OBP Variables from the ALOM/ILOM, How to write multiple plays and per-play privilege escalation in Ansible, How to Write Ansible Playbook and run it using the ansible-playbook command, Beginners Guide to Managing Package Module Streams in CentOS/RHEL 8. Here's how to find all files beneath the current directory that begin with the letters 'Foo' and delete them.
Following this thread : See the following example. These kind of questions may asked in interviews too.How do you find it ? Several files are created each day. However, according to pfiles man pages, pfiles “stop[s] their target processes while inspecting them and reporting the results”. vendor_id : GenuineIntel Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) is frequently referred to as the Red Book. Just replace the -f option with a -d option.
On Linux systems and modern Unix system you no longer need the -print option at the end of the find command, so you can issue it like this: The -type f option here tells the find command to return only files. maybe this is enough for you?! Hi,
Using the /proc file system. I ‘d like to match all filename like foo.c, FOO.C, fOO.c, Foo.C and so on using find command under UNIX. the answer is in your question... just have a look at the output of "uname -i".
I am not a Suse admin, request fast reply.
I wanted to find the System Configuration and Hardware Information on one of my servers.
The number of files currently opened by a certain process can be examined by: 1. Command using: uname... What command to get server model from a solaris 5.10?