Achilles Achilles, stunned and enraged, refuses, stating that Hector’s death is apt retribution for the murder of Patroclus. :
[She surveys the beach for more pretty shells]. Would you leave this all behind? Briseis Briseis
Some would say... Odysseus
: We need you. Achilles How many, brave Achilles?”. What's your name? : And Greece will remain Greece long after I am gone. : The right time to strike. They're waiting for me. I'll miss the start as long as I'm here at the end. Debopriyaa Dutta is a content curator, poet, and film critic based in India and a frequent contributor for High On Films. You are a brave man.
Look at these men, they are the fiercest soldiers in all of Greece, each of them has bled for me.
Use the HTML below. : Agamemnon But even enemies can show respect. [to Priam] Ah, Perhaps you didn't notice. If you stay here, with me, with your family, you'll have a long, peaceful life. Achilles : : Achilles She sees a shell that she likes and stoops down to pick it up] I thought I'd make you another seashell necklace. : She speaks these lines with no hesitation, no doubt].
I kissed the hands of the man who killed my son. Thetis While the latter fights admirably, the gods (mainly, Athena) favor Achilles, who ends up killing Hector, attaching his ankles to his chariot, and dragging him to the Trojan beach. Troy (2004) Brad Pitt as Achilles. : In Troy, guests can leave whenever they want. It's too early in the day to be killing princes. Men will tell stories of your victories for thousands of years. :
Patroclus No videos have been filed... as of yet. You gave me peace in a lifetime of war. : : Achilles The gods envy us.
Directed by Takeshi Kitano.
To understand why Achilles, an almost-invulnerable demigod, cries after killing Hector who had slain Achilles’ close wartime companion, Patroclus), one needs to understand the dichotomy of war in, . Achilles : Her eyes are clear, her voice steady. The Gods envy us. Wouldn't that be a sight? Achilles : Now you know who you're fighting. First you need the victory. But I'm fighting the Trojans, cousin. You have courage.
[With his sword, Achilles chops off the head of the Statue of Apollo]. Of all the warlords loved by the gods, I hate him the most. Thetis Achilles Oh that's a pretty one. : I know it. Briseis Yes, but who will you fight for when I'm gone? Movies.
He acknowledges Hector’s tactical brilliance on the battlefield and deems him as a worthy opponent.
But this is a war! Flank! : You'll die there. Achilles
Finally she stands and looks at her son]. Not soldiers!
Patroclus wants to go.
In Claymation, we see the story of Achilles. Achilles Achilles Achilles All the men I've killed. A dog has that kind of courage. You're the only Trojan who can say that. :
: I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I? [takes off helmet and throws it aside]
: 7 Famous Writers Who May Not Have Actually Existed, Adaptações da Ilíada e Odisseia para o Cinema e a TV.
: The world will remember your name.