Remember these geckos are very small, so make sure there is no crevices they can get stuck in. [2], L. williamsi's tropical forest habitat is also shrinking and fragmenting. Two to three weeks after copulation, the female lays a clutch of 1 or 2 pea-sized white, hard-shelled eggs which are glued to a surface in a secure, hidden location. Der Zwergtaggecko darf nicht ohne Genehmigung gehalten oder verkauft werden![6][10][11].

This is a diurnal species, so they DO REQUIRE UVB lighting. Housing Mistings 2-3 times a week is important to not only maintain humidity but to offer the geckos a source of water as they lap up the droplets from leaves and the enclosure sides. [7][8] Dieser Beschluss trat im Januar 2017 in Kraft und wurde im Februar 2017 in geltendes EU-Recht überführt. Sie bilden Reviere, die vom Männchen peinlich genau überwacht werden. Mistings 2-3 times a week is important to not only maintain humidity but to offer the geckos a source of water as they lap up the droplets from leaves and the enclosure sides. Just like the species, the diet is small. Because of their extremely small natural range and high export figures the most responsible choice is to only purchase captive bred animals. [12] A single leaf crown will typically contain a single individual, or an adult male, an adult female, and juveniles. The basking area should get up to 94 degrees fahrenheit. Mist at least 2-3 times daily, keeping humidity between 75-80% with peaks of 100%. Die kleine Echse ist vom Aussterben bedroht, da sie wegen ihrer auffälligen schönen Färbung zum Zweck der Terrarienhaltung gefangen wird und ihr Verbreitungsgebiet nur 20 km² groß ist. Electric Blue Day Geckos are nectar loving insectivores. Captive Care Cage size least 50x40x50 cm WDH, but the animals like to make use of a larger cage with cork branches and plants; laminate back wall with cork. A Lygodactylus spp.

Lygodactylus williamsi steht als vom Aussterben bedrohte Art auf der Roten Liste der IUCN. The survival of L. williamsi is mostly threatened by (entirely illegal) collection for the international pet trade. This species is better if not disturbed and left in their habitat.

Lygodactylus williamsi is restricted to a few square kilometers of Tanzania. Lygodactylus williamsi is bred regularly in captivity, so it is possible to purchase non wild-caught animals! The underside of both sexes is orange.

How to identify Lygodactylus williamsi: A photographic guide to the turquoise dwarf gecko, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Neuer Schutzstatus für den Himmelblauen Zwergtaggecko (Lygodactylus williamsi), Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/, Verordnung (EU) 2017/160 der Kommission vom 20. Feed insects 4 times weekly. Hatchlings should be kept in a small critter keeper. [6] Im September 2016 wurde auf der 17. [1], Lygodactylus williamsi ist mit sechs bis zehn Zentimetern relativ klein. Many geckos are thought to die while being shipped to market. Beide Geschlechter besitzen eine schwarze, gestreifte Kopfzeichnung. Lygodactylus williamsi is an easy to care for animal that is very tame in captivity.

Hatchlings should be kept on paper towels or astro-turf. Not only are they adorable, they are communal so you can house more than one easily together!

338/97 des Rates über den Schutz von Exemplaren wildlebender Tier- und Pflanzenarten durch Überwachung des Handels, Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. This is a diurnal gecko- being active during the day. Die Tiere leben sowohl an den Palmstämmen als auch auf den Blättern des Schraubenbaums, wo sie sich zwischen den Stacheln schützen können. A hollow piece of bamboo with a notch halfway down and an opening at the top is a perfect spot for egg laying.

Images found on pintrest and [5][9][6] Similar restrictions apply in some other jurisdictions. Beim Balzen wird der dunkle Kehlsack aufgeblasen, der Kopf ruckartig bewegt und der Rücken gebuckelt. Housing The Electric Blue Day Gecko is very easy to … Copyright © 2012 Supreme Gecko. Januar 2017 zur Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Include … [10], The subpopulation in Kimboza Forest Reserve was estimated at 150,000 adults in 2009. It is very important to provide UV light, a calcium dish for females, and not to overwater the terraria.

Nicht dominante Männchen werden unterdrückt und entfalten keine schöne Färbung. Lygodactylus Williamsi Electric Blue Day Geckos - Duration: 1:40. [2] It is critically endangered and the population is thought to be declining rapidly. Die Erkenntnisse über diese Geckoart sind noch gering. If you decide to keep a water bowl in the enclosure, place rocks inside of it. Substrate- peat/sphagnum moss/sand mix to hold humidity. Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). Being small and flighty, these geckos do not do well with handling. They are arboreal and love to climb. Temp/Lighting/Humidity Feedings can consist of very small crickets. Lygodactylus williamsi verhält sich gegenüber Artgenossen und Nachwuchs friedlich und scheint eine starke Paarbindung aufzuweisen. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Common names include turquoise dwarf gecko, William's dwarf gecko, and, in the pet trade, electric blue gecko. [12] It eats small insects and drinks water from leaves. Dust the insects with a calcium/vitamin mix every other feeding.

[1] The forest is seriously threatened by pet collectors,[2] clearing for farmland, illegal logging, increasingly frequent fires,[1] mining of rubies, tourmaline, rhodolite, gold[12] and dolomite and limestone from outcrops on which the screwpines grow. For temperatures, they prefer the mid 70's and a warm spot to the mid 80's. Feed Repashy Day Gecko Meal Replacement 3 times weekly. UVB lighting is required. Das Weibchen ist oben unscheinbar braun bis oliv. Definitely not a reptile for children that want a hands on pet. Males of L. williamsi are bright blue with heavy black throat stripes, visible preanal pores, and hemipenile bulges. If a breeding female is not provided with a small dish of pure calcium powder she will likely not have enough to produce healthy … Electric Blue Gecko Description and Sex Determination.

[10] These are located at the foothills of the Uluguru Mountains in eastern Tanzania. Lygodactylus williamsi befindet sich seitdem in Anhang A der Verordnung (EG) Nr. In 1952, Arthur Loverage described a new gecko from a seldom-explored forest in Tanzania as being a "startling turquoise-blue." 338/97 aufzunehmen. ( Log Out / 

In the wild, the turquoise day gecko lives exclusively on the (redlisted endemic)[11] screwpine, Pandanus rabaiensis,[2] mostly in the leaf crown. This is a diurnal species, so they DO REQUIRE UVB lighting. Normalerweise findet man in einem Revier ein Pärchen oder eine Gruppe aus einem Männchen, zwei Weibchen und vielleicht ein paar älteren Jungtieren.

[1] The two known sites outside protected areas are tiny: one consists of 14 Pandanus trees (the rest has been cleared for banana plantations) and the other is equally close to disappearing.[3]. For temperatures, they prefer the mid 70's and a warm spot to the mid 80's. 792/2012 der Kommission mit Bestimmungen für die Gestaltung der Genehmigungen, Bescheinigungen und sonstigen Dokumente gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. A single gecko can be housed in a nano terrarium or a 2.5 gallon aquarium. Hatchlings should be kept on paper towels or astro-turf. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Das Balzverhalten des Männchens gleicht dem Imponiergehabe gegenüber Rivalen. Feed Repashy Day Gecko Meal Replacement 3 times weekly.

[1] Invasive trees such as Cedrela are also a threat. They are arboreal and need a setup that is taller rather than longer. The specific name, williamsi, given to the gecko by British zoologist Arthur Loveridge,[15] honours American herpetologist Ernest Edward Williams. The basking area should get up to 94 degrees fahrenheit. identification guide has been published online by CITES,[14] largely for the use of customs officers (illegal shipments of these geckos are often intentionally mislabelled).[12]. Eine sichere Unterscheidung der Geschlechter kann allerdings nur anhand der Verdickungen der Schwanzwurzel vorgenommen werden, da sich über Kehlkopfzeichnung und Färbung allein keine eindeutige Aussage treffen lässt.[2][3]. Females may range from dark brown to brilliant green with turquoise highlights. Cork bark works great for this species! Der Gecko entfaltet seine Farbenpracht nur unter hellem Licht und bei einer gewissen Wärme. [2], Illegal wild-caught specimens are widely sold in the pet trade, often misdescribed as captive-bred.

Humidity is very important with keeping these geckos, since they get most of their water intake through multiple misting. Beim Balzen wird der dunkle Kehlsack aufgeblasen, der Kopf ruckartig bewegt und der Rücken gebuckelt. All Rights Reserved. September 2020 um 15:03 Uhr bearbeitet. Feed insects 4 times weekly. Daytime ambient temperatures should be kept between 75-80 degrees fahrenheit, with nightly temps down to 72 degrees fahrenheit. Like all geckos of the genera Lygodactylus and Phelsuma, L. williamsi is diurnal. This species is better if not disturbed and left in their habitat. Adult snout-vent length (SVL) is 5 to 8 cm (2.0 to 3.1 in). Their temperatures range between 75-80F throughout the terrarium during the day. A 10 gallon aquarium can house a pair very comfortably  Offer plenty of hiding spaces such as live plants and/or plastic plants.