Log in or create your CCLI Profile to get started. M–F, 6am to 5pm, PST. (You only need to report this each time you print a new batch of song sheets.). The other major licensing/copyright company, CCLI, is offering discounted prices on their streaming license in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Telling us this helps us to know that your reporting is accurate and up-to-date. The other major licensing/copyright company, CCLI, is offering discounted prices on their streaming license in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. A blog summary on 8-18-2020 of two recent COVID-19 & Music studies: The Center for Congregational Song published a post in June 2020 that highlights the section specifically pertaining to music-making. All rights reserved. Click Create a CCLI Profile and complete your details. CCLI recognises that churches have had to adapt quickly in how they connect with their congregation, and remains committed to assist in these ever changing times. Join the 100,000 churches, camps, Christian schools and childcare centers worldwide who rely upon the Church Video License and the ScreenVue Vault. © 2020 Christian Copyright Licensing International. [neon_sign_in_link]Member Login[/neon_sign_in_link]. Together, they can enable access to creating a more dynamic sermon message and ensure your church is covered in the process. Disclaimer: CCLI/CVLI does not necessarily endorse the entire content of any movie covered. Hymnary.org has some lists for selecting hymns, a new tool for helping churches and people worship at home during the pandemic, and more. Other resources and information about streaming and copyright is available on their site. If you’re new to reporting, the guides below will walk you through the process. Free downloadable collection of hymns and songs designed for singing in times of crisis. All Rights Reserved. A streaming license is needed in ADDITION TO a standard license your congregation may have from CCLI or OneLicense to reproduce the copyrighted works covered in their catalogs. If you’re not sure you’ve got the right song, click the i symbol for more details You can also assign others to be Administrators. We'll never share your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time. You can also see a webinar on streaming from OneLicense here. Enter the number of people that had access to the song for that week’s worship plan. Use Print when you have reproduced the lyrics, chord sheets, lead sheets, or vocal sheets for the purpose of assisting the congregation or you have made a custom musical arrangement. US Contact CCLI with general questions or comments, View all options for support, including articles and FAQs. If you’re the first person to be linked to your church/organization, you’ll automatically become its Account Administrator. During the COVID-19 pandemic, both OneLicense.net and CCLI.com are offering discounts, for their streaming services. In early June, an ecumenical consultation led by United Methodist, Lutheran, and Episcopal liturgical scholars, medical experts, and in consultation with the CDC released a 36-page document entitled “Resuming Care-filled Worship and Sacramental Life During A Pandemic.” Este documento está también disponible en español. Hymns for a Pandemic: A Brief Historical Introduction. John Thornburg, FHS is the guest for an episode of the podcast “Worship Matters.” He discusses his thoughts on what should be kept in mind as we face our return to gathering in person once more. Find the right Copyright License or renew an existing one. ▶ If you have projected the song in a service, enter ‘1’ in the Digital box. If you need to report copies of other versions of the same song, click +ADD and repeat the process. From independents to major Hollywood studios such as 20th Century, Disney, DreamWorks, Lionsgate, MGM, Paramount, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros. and others. Click SAVE to finish reporting that song. Streaming License. This short but helpful vlog (video blog) is a great tutorial on helpful gear and technology for live-streaming your worship service. In the appropriate categories, enter the number of occasions when you have reproduced the song by that method since your last report. So you can now include your music along with the Pastor’s message as you webcast your church service. Reporting examples If you have projected the song in a service, enter ‘1’ in the Digital box.If you have projected that same song on three separate services/locations since your last report, enter ‘3’ in the Digital box If you streamed or posted a recording of that service online, you should also report this under Record/Stream. We'll never share your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Visit at. Resources, Articles, and other helpful information from Duke Divinity’s “Faith and Leadership” website. Brenna C. Cronin March 13, 2020 Newsletter As the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak continues to unfold , ONE LICENSE—together with hundreds of our Member Publishers—is honored to assist worshipping communities worldwide during this extraordinary time. Michael Hawn, FHS shares some background about specific hymns that were written during similar times in centuries past. ▶ Print Talk with a knowledgeable specialist, M-F, 6 am to 5 pm, PT. digitally transmit, retransmit, distribute and play back) participating Songs (“Songs”) from your church’s proprietary website, a hosted website or a streaming service in the following manner. But the ways in which we gather for worship and gather in song require new vision, new mechanisms, and creative thinking. ▶ If you streamed or posted a recording of that service online, you should also report this under Record/Stream. The list continues to be updated as new ideas and resources are provided. © 2020 Christian Copyright Licensing International. Enter the number of occasions since your last report that you have made copies, or made the song available in a scheduled team plan. This playlist of songs has been specifically created to speak to congregations during this time by the organization Music That Makes Community. To link your account to your organization you’ll need an Access Code. ScreenVue is the result of a partnership between CVLI (Christian Video Licensing International) and CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and MPLC (Motion Picture Licensing Corporation) that offers the best film and film scenes from major studios, independents and Christian studios alike.