The Banshee Chapter tells us some small truth about the Infamous MKUltra experiments – experiments in mind control using LSD … Then it feels like an ordinary movie except the footage is shot using a handheld camera. BANSHEE CHAPTER follows investigative journalist, ANNA, researching a missing friend who ingested an undocumented research chemical once tested on civilians by CIA MK-Ultra experiments.
The NSA seems to know about it along with other short wave enthusiasts. His BONG was awesome as fuck – Scotty]. They hear the numbers station.
Anne and Blackburn wake up later passed out on the floor. OH HE DEAD. Afterwards the patients, some volunteer grad students, notice beings approaching, the camera footage becomes staticky, and electricity goes out in the room or the entire facility. He bleeds from his eyes and nose. DMT, psiloscybin and LSD are currently being used therapeutically, and recreationally, to treat PTSD, anxiety and other disorders. An indeterminate time later, Anne and Thomas awaken to find Callie missing. The whole MKUltra/LSD/DMT/Hunter Thompson thing was just too much, it reeked of trying way too fucking hard. The film is loosely based on the H. P. Lovecraft short story "From Beyond".
[7] Erickson also experienced difficulty with the film's limited budget and filming timeline, as they only had 28 days to film Banshee Chapter. User Info: CKnight. In an effort to seem hip and interesting, the replacement of LSD used in the actual MKUltra experiments was done over by DMT.
In a frenzy, Anne smashes open the porthole in the tank, pours the gasoline inside, and throws a lighter scavenged from Thomas' corpse. She has brains in her basement.
I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of mediocrity, punctuated by the occasional life raft of a jump scare that almost makes me piss my pants (even though I know they are coming EVERY FUCKING TIME), but other than that I haven’t washed up on the dry land of something refreshing in a while, so please.. someone throw me a life preserver here, because everything is all fucky. Her supervisor reassures her with a hug and pats her hand. The transmission repeatedly pleads no as the distorted being pounds on the door. Unlike the 1973 experiment subjects, James ingests it at home. I also thought they were making DMT (by using such a similar name and having people go crazy on it) look bad, like it’s deathly or something and we shouldn’t take it. Michael McMillan, who is best known for his role as Rev Steve Newlin in True Blood, does a great job at getting the ball rolling.
Blackburn is clearly struggling, exhausted and bleeding, but refuses to go to the hospital. Callie is missing. The second time, I rewound and actually took notes to understand what was going on. Everything seems like it was abruptly left as is.
Banshee Chapter is an utterly tragic exploration of the human consequences to unfettered exploration without caution. The film is loosely based on the H. P. Lovecraft short story "From Beyond". "The Banshee Chapter" works slowly, takes its time, behaving as a typical "whodunit" at first, with our fearless heroine squinting at computer screens and leafing through clues. Blackburn takes her to his home, and introduces her to Callie. James freaks out and says something wants to wear him. He is not a discreet individual so if he says that he does not know, he is probably telling the truth. So let’s get to some real talk here.. the truth of the matter is that this movie features a bunch of C-list actors, produced by a B-list actor (looking in your direction here Zachary Quinto, who some may remember from Heroes/American Horror Story and the new Star Trek movies).
A woman named Callie, who has a PhD in chemistry, has audio recordings of the MK Ultra experiment, specifically of Patient 11 reciting “n1, n2, h2, o7, c11,” and interprets this as dictation for a drug, which she decides to make in the basement of her seemingly deserted home.
Towards the end, this real footage is interspersed with fictional footage.
And again, I get why this was done.
I can’t decide if I’m better now that I don’t do heinous amounts of drugs, or worse.. Jury is still out on that one. I also get changing the ‘drug’ used in the experiments to DMT to go with your story and be “hip”, but to randomly and totally unethically insert a character such as Thomas Blackburn who is ripped off entirely from the Good Doctor is just lazy and it reeks of poor writing. Banshee Chapter (sometimes referred to as The Banshee Chapter) is a 2013 American horror film and the directorial debut of Blair Erickson. The scene then cuts away to camera footage of James Hirsch (Michael McMillian), a young man investigating Project MKUltra. When the face sees her, the numbers station music box starts playing and reciting numbers. The dimensional beings still have a passport! I dig Ted Levine and I really dig his performance as Thomas Blackburn, but I just wish the producer or whoever the fuck was in charge here had just come up with an original character and taken a chance. People should get out more, try to understand the world around them instead of lying and spreading misinformation. While creating Banshee Chapter, Erickson was inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, "From Beyond", as well as the history of hallucinogenic drug experiments performed by the United States Government. pictured (r to l): the author and founder of DIAG, someone fabulous and some dickhead dressed as the good doctor.
Thomas Blackburn and Anne narrowly escape attack from a strange horrible creature and Thomas confesses to her that she didn’t actually take the DMT-19 drug and he gave her a placebo.. yet for some reason she can see these horrible monster alien skin wearing things anyways.. which makes no fucking sense, but sure. I would even suggest that you watch the movie until the credits are finished rolling. The actual plot line of The Banshee Chapter, now that I’ve gone all erowid on you (sorry about that), centers around Anne (10 out of 10, very foxy by the way), who is seeking to unravel the mystery surrounding her friend James’s disappearance following him ingesting the aforementioned DMT-19. Blackburn initially dismisses the women’s reaction as a hallucination and investigates the presence. Also what kind of psycho would make their ninth grade class listen to number stations? Banshee Chapter (sometimes referred to as The Banshee Chapter) is a 2013 American horror film and the directorial debut of Blair Erickson.
That’s not saying people don’t still do it, but rather that it’s old news. spoiler. Is the experiment continuing or did the scientists just freak out and leave? The first time that I watched Banshee Chapter, I knew that it was good and was freaked out, but said to myself, “What just happened?” It used to be available instantly on Netflix, but now it is only available on DVD or you can stream it for $2.99 ($3.99 for HD) on Amazon Video! I have no idea, but both ideas are plausible. Anne investigates James's house and discovers a betamax cassette that contains footage of the MKUltra experiments as well as a book of notes about the project.
Anne is taken into police custody and one of her co-workers travels down to ensure that she is okay.
Hunter S. Thompson is neat right now. S She is frightened by a murky figure in the distance and drives away. The dude tripping balls in that video is clearly on coke or X btw, you don`t trip like that without amphetamines etc. Katia Winter, who appeared in the first two seasons of Sleepy Hollow as the lamest witch ever, works as a protagonist that is just smart enough to root for her, but stupid enough to keep the plot going.
On September 21, 2009, James decides to take the drug as research for his book.