Vietnamese Blue Beauty Rat Snake care sheet. That's a Vietnamese Blue Beauty taming you. Cleaning a terrarium, How to feed my Vietnamese Blue Beauty? They also get to a good size, which can be extremely menacing if they get in one of those "bad" moods Malinois mentioned. So even with my scent, that top felt safe enough for her to sleep on it. Hiss me a few words :) I will ALWAYS respond to your comments or suggestions. Become a contributing member! Currently, according to the Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Act, it is illegal in Japan to own, transport or bring any Taiwanese beauty snake into the country. Get familiar with it. The markings on the back almost always consist of two pairs of black rounded spots, which join together. These steps should work with virtually any VBB, though a sub-adult or adult may be more resilient to change its behavior than a hatchling. 9 days ago. Due to their preference for caves, these snakes have become able climbers and are known to move along cave walls. Becoming Egg Bound in breeding females – be sure your animals are well hydrated and not overweight Babies and yearlings can be kept in racking systems. How to feed my Vietnamese Blue Beauty? This way they can easily soak their entire body. I'm just on my way out, so no time to share pictures or anything, but I'll try to get back in an hour or so to help you out. How to clean my terrarium? Reptile Rapture, 6308 Monona dr, Monona WI 53716 608-221-0094, BLUE BEAUTY SNAKE Caresheet Common Name: Blue Beauty Snake, Vietnamese Blue Beauty Rat Snake Scientific Name: Orthriophis taeniurus callicyanous Origin: Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar Size: 7-8 feet Lifespan: 15-30 years You will find many ways on the internet on "how to" take care of this animal. Depending on your snake's personality (and whether its species is diurnal or nocturnal). Ideally if you had the space, your adult beauty snake would happily use a 1.8-2.4 x 0.6 x 1.2 meters (6-8 x 2 x 4 feet) enclosure. Lifespan: Blue Beauties can live anywhere from 15 to 30 years. Northwood, Isle of Wight. Hence, sometimes being referred to as the Vietnam Blue Beauty. The ticket can be used within 30 days of the birthday. The most common type, found in captivity, are the friesei (Taiwan Beauty). [2] Currently, there is no specific information on the beauty rat snake's preferred caves, rain forests and climate available. I handled her for 10 to 15 minutes every day at my lunch break and noticed a change after the first month (again, she's just a. It is indigenous to sub tropical and tropical habitats, occupying niches in forest, rivers and caves. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This species is inherently fast-paced and easily stressed, so all pets should be given ample hiding space and proper temperature to improve adaptation to its new environment and possibly promote temperament. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Second 1/3rd in her large tub that has leaf cover and watches the house and kids. Though Mozler displays a calm temperament, this is seen mainly in captive bred snakes. I love their faces, especially their eyes. [citation needed] About 2 weeks later they will begin to shed their first skin. Now with age and patience, she has become a very nice and easy to handle snake. Any stuck shed can be rectified with a shallow lukewarm bath. Their temperament can vary greatly, from very docile to very aggressive. I learned this the hard way. Size: These are some of the longest rat snakes at typical lengths of 7 to 8 feet. I heard the same about the Taiwan Beauties also before I bought her. Starting at the back corner of eacheye, a black stripe reaches back to each corner of the mouth which is pale cream around the upper labial area. I find these snakes to shed quite easily. My animals are sitting around a 50% humidity range at most times. Dr Jackle and Mr. Hyde. I currently offer medium rats to my adults, and cycle in frozen day old chicks every now and then. Housing: a wooden vivarium of at least 48" in length and 36'' in height Heating: day time basking temperature of 88 o F, ambient air temperature of 75-80 o F Diet:carnivore with a diet comprising of frozen prey Decoration:thick branches and foliage to … To join our birthday club just fill out the following form and we’ll email your ticket before your birthday! These snakes often poop in their water. They have an elongated head with dark or black horizontal stripes along the eyes. As babies they “defensive” nip quite frequently. Although they are non-venomous, their bite can very painful. Another reason has been military movement of resources which has created routes along which serpents can move.[11]. [citation needed] Recently hatched young range about 30–45 cm (11 3⁄4–17 3⁄4 in) in length. Hatched July 2020,... . Click here. I prefer using PVC enclosures so the animals feel safer (having one side plexi and the others a solid colour). The photo, above, are the taeniura & ridleyi (Blue Beauty & Cave Dwelling rat snake). Overall, the Chinese beauty snake, Taiwan beauty snake and Vietnamese blue beauty snake are the most popular of the subspecies to be kept as pets. I usually don’t add anything to them, unless they are babies and you can add a small amount of moss to raise the hide humidity. How to clean a terrarium? Fat-Tailed Gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus). background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient( bottom, #90cb3f, #acfb40 ); No one wants to have a 2m60 monster like this [no, it's not smiling]: Here are some things that have worked for me, I hope you'll give them a shot and let me know what you think. I do a full enclosure sanitize when required (poop on the sides etc). When mine was younger she had almost split personalities. Fred being one (thethunderer). Pop culture has also been influenced by the beauty rat snake by having Mozler, the main monster from the 1988 Hong Kong film Thunder of Gigantic Serpent, be of the same species. How to feed my Vietnamese Beauty thawed mice? The Blue Beauty Snake is a large, semi-arboreal snake distributed throughout most of Vietnam. They frequent human developments because it makes a prime breeding ground with the abundance of their favorite food…rodents. The range of the species covers much of southern and southeastern Asia, excluding western and northeastern China. Taiwanese beauty snake. Good news: I eventually found her hidden in there, several times. Relatively small, the beauty rat snake typically feeds on ground rodents such as mice and, due to the snake's climbing abilities, even bats that are roosting within the caves they share. Housing: The Taiwan Beauty Rat Snake is considered semi-arboreal, requiring a number of climbing branches in its cage. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Beauty snake / Invasive Species of Japan", "Chinese Beauty Snake Morph Guide - Ratsnake Information", "Emerging Challenges of Managing Island Invasive Species: Potential Invasive Species Unintentionally Spread from Military Restructuring",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ridley's beauty snake, cave dwelling ratsnake, cave racer (, Taiwan/Taiwanese beauty snake, stripe tail ratsnake (, Vietnamese blue beauty/blue beauty snake (, This page was last edited on 5 March 2020, at 02:28.