If it is received after the currency cut off time, it will be sent on the following business day in Brisbane. Please Note: If an International Payment has been completed with a beneficiary that has not been used before, this beneficiary will not appear on the Beneficiary tab or in the Select Beneficiary drop-down box until the relevant International Payment has been processed by BOQ Treasury & International Operations. You join over 2 million customers who transfer in 47 currencies across 70 countries. An IBAN, or International Bank Account Number, is the customer’s bank account number in a standard, internationally recognised format. Zip code : 4001. We are using cookies to give you the best experience and deliver relevant ads based on your interest, by using this website, you acknowledge that you have read our privacy policy. The Foreign Exchange Calculator displays after the Foreign Exchange Calculator button is pressed on the International Payments or the Registration Required screen. The sort code is used by the British banking industry to route money transfers between banks domestically. What are the cut off times for the different currencies for International Payments? Also, on the Enter International Payment screen you can select a previous beneficiary used from the Select Beneficiary dropdown box. If an International Payment request is received by Treasury and International Operations before the currency cut off time, it will be sent on the same day. Le moteur de vérification IBAN prend en charge 97 pays au total et les 37 pays SEPA. Generally, most beneficiaries in most countries could expect to receive the funds within 1-3 business days. Please be aware that overseas banks may also deduct fees and charges from the payment and that the amount the beneficiary receives may therefore be less than what you originally sent. International Payments are only processed if the amount is equal to or greater than 100 Australian Dollars. The format of the Routing Number code is like this: Canadian transit numbers are regulated by the Canadian Payments Association and consist of nine numerical digits. You can complete an International payment via Internet Banking from 7:00 a.m. Monday (Brisbane time) to 5:00 p.m. Friday (Brisbane time). These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. When can I access the Internet Banking International Payments facility? Service spécialement conçu pour la validation des numéros de compte bancaire et des codes de tri pour le Royaume-Uni et l'Irlande. An IBAN is required to ensure correct routing of International Payments.