During the Training, Haymitch is disgusted with Peeta and Katniss after they directly threaten the Capitol (Katniss hanged Crane and Peeta drew Rue). Throughout the 74th Games, Haymitch sends (or doesn't) supplies to Katniss to inform her about something happening or send her a message. Katniss meldet sich anstelle ihrer Schwester freiwillig für die Teilnahme an den 74. He keeps the theme by designing Katniss' interview dress, a gown made completely of precious jewels in flame colors, reflecting the lighting to make her look like she is "engulfed in flames." To begin with, Katniss finds herself having become a celebrity of sorts after winning the Hunger Games. Lebensgefährlich.“[25], Während in unserer Kultur Frauen generell häufiger lächeln als Männer. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2. Katniss and the Covey also know several of the same songs, most notably "The Hanging Tree." Peeta is not breathing. Katniss receives medical attention after the attempted strangulation. If Collins does write another prequel, it wouldn't be surprising to see this theory confirmed. Peeta and Katniss at District 12 before heading to the train. [54]:71, Unterschiede zwischen Roman und Spielfilm, Die Entwicklung von Katniss’ Fürsorglichkeit. June Pulliam: Real or Not Real – Katniss Everdeen Loves Peeta Melark: The Lingering Effects of Discipline in the ‚Hunger Games‘ Trilogy., in: Sara K. Day, Miranda A. Green-Barteet, Amy L. Montz (Hrsg. Her father died in a mine explosion. “Yeah, but I’m not very good at making friends.” Katniss lets him vent to her but is otherwise unmoved. In The Hunger Games, Katniss wore worn-out clothes with hunting boots, and sometimes wore her father's old hunting coat. Katniss's father was a miner and illegal hunter who traded on the black market in District 12. Im Epilog sind Katniss und Peeta verheiratet und Eltern zweier Kinder. ): Of bread, blood and the Hunger Games: critical essays on the Suzanne Collins trilogy.’’ McFarland & Company, inc. Publishers Jefferson North Carolina, 2012. [41]:225, Katniss tötet nur selten einen Tribut. Gattung und Text des Liedes lassen an Kindheitsrituale denken und rufen die Erinnerung an Zuneigung und Schutz wach. They see the body of the girl from District 5, whom Katniss nicknamed "Foxface", being taken away. When the evening comes, they leave and Katniss returns to District 12. Katniss eventually realized what Johanna had done and warmed to her. It is believed that Marvel dies before Rue because Katniss shot an arrow in his throat (book) heart (film) causing him to die instantly. They have mechanical properties, and can be voice activated. Another is described by Johanna Mason as a dark blue velvet number. All the tributes she killed in the Games were Career Tributes. But Katniss’s primary intent wasn’t to stage an act of rebellion, though she does recognize that there was some spirit of defiance in the gesture. A few days later, Katniss watches another interview of Peeta and becomes overwhelmed. They reach the Cornucopia and scale it, though one of the mutts manages to injure Peeta. People are punished for their crimes, mines are shut down for two weeks, etc. Cinna dresses her up in a black unitard to represent coal and lights her and Peeta with synthetic fire that does not burn them. Katniss Everdeen is more than just the star of District 12, or the fictional dystopian world she’s managed to win over. Als Rache für Katniss’ Handeln wird Distrikt 12 bei einer Bombardierung durch das Kapitol zerstört. Both didn't like each other at first, especially during Training when Haymitch says that Katniss has the personality of a dead slug, but in the arena, Peeta says that Haymitch and Katniss only hate each other because they're so alike. If you can get through the wall that she puts up, Katniss is a very caring person. Wiley-VCH Verlag Weinheim, 2013, Die Tribute von Panem – Mockingjay Teil 1, Die Tribute von Panem – Mockingjay Teil 2, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Katniss_Everdeen&oldid=201329031, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Auf Johannas Frage „‚Oder bist du immer noch dieselbe, die damals für ihre Schwester eingesprungen ist?‘“ antwortet sie mit einem klaren „Nein.“, Sehr intensiv erlebt sie den Prozess, in dem sich ihr Rachebedürfnis von Snow auf Coin verschiebt: „Eingehüllt in Seide, fühle ich mich wie eine Raupe im Kokon, die auf die Metamorphose wartet.“, Am Ende des dritten Bandes sagt sie: „Es ist einer der Lieblingstage der alten Katniss. Which Mary Poppins Actor Had the Worse Accent: Dick Van Dyke or Lin-Manuel Miranda? Peeta is eventually separated from Katniss, and is captured by the Capitol while Katniss is taken by the rebels. She sees Johanna and Annie are alive and that Peeta has been saved. Katniss hears Finnick running but stays quiet so as not to alert him to her whereabouts, since she believes that he and Johanna have betrayed them. Before she can stop him, Peeta walks into it and is repelled back, knocking Mags and Finnick to the ground. She seeks out Peeta and finds him hiding in the mud of a riverbank, totally camouflaged. During training, Katniss befriends Wiress and Beetee Latier from District 3, who point out the force field used to separate the Gamemakers from the tributes. She had to discipline herself to undergo military training in order to prove that she could be sent into combat, and her unwillingness to take orders was perceived as her greatest weakness. She also wears her Mockingjay pin. One of the 24 contestants will go on to fame and fortune, and the rest will die. When the Games begin, Katniss gets away from the Cornucopia quickly, trying to follow the advice of her mentor, but getting into a minor tussle with the District 9 male over an orange backpack which ends when the boy is cleaved in the back by Clove, the girl from District 2. With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow in the final showdown. She shakes him to get his attention, and the two embrace each other. They pitifully realize that the former was just a ruse. Though Katniss can be rather blunt, misanthropic, sarcastic, bitingly cynical and cold she has a very vulnerable side which she only shows around her family, and she has a natural maternal instinct as showed when she comforted Prim and helped Rue. Katniss begins to heal, and her relationships with Peeta and Haymitch recover as well. In Catching Fire, as a result of Katniss's grief, Peeta paints a picture of Rue buried in flowers during his private session with the Game-makers, staging his own small rebellion and proving his refusal to play by the Capitol's rules. [48]:96, Katniss' Geburtstag ist der 8. We would all be lucky to have a big sister like her. Katniss feels helpless when she is left out of the rescue mission. Gale comes to bid Katniss goodbye before she leaves to compete in the Hunger Games and promises to protect Prim. She also had to educate herself on the edible, medicinal, and poisonous plant life of District 12. Da weder Katniss noch Peeta bereit sind, einander zu töten, kündigen sie auf Katniss’ Initiative hin öffentlich einen Doppelselbstmord durch Gift an. Katniss Everdeen is a good example of a strong female character who demonstrates qualities like loyalty and bravery throughout the early part of the book. Auch am Ende der Trilogie ist Katniss' Festhalten am Leben mit ihrem Vater verbunden: Nach monatelanger Einsamkeit und Bewegungslosigkeit zieht Katniss die Jagdjacke ihres Vaters an, durchlebt einen Albtraum und sieht beim Aufwachen Peeta, der vor dem Haus Primeln einsetzt. [35], Coin erkennt Katniss' Schwäche: „Ich kann keine Befehle befolgen.“[36] Angetrieben durch ihren starken Willen, bei der Eroberung des Kapitols mitzukämpfen, vollzieht Katniss die notwendige Unterordnung und die Integration in ein Team, während sie bis dahin „eine herausragende Stellung als Spotttölpel“ innehatte. Katniss is briefly chased by the Career pack, consisting of Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, Clove, the female from District 4, and Peeta, and escapes up a tree. Movie Appearances She loves her more than anything and believes it's her job to keep Prim safe.