The rattlesnake was curled up under a bed. Western Rattlesnakes from a den in the Okanagan Valley moved variable distances to the same summer range (Macartney 1985). BC Conservation Data Centre. Mining and quarrying occur throughout the range of the species and may have severe local impacts. 1989. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the western rattlesnake Crotalus oreganus in Canada. 7th edition. However, Charland (1989) reported that food availability did not affect weight gain of post-partum females. Rattlesnakes are not legally protected in Washington State and are actively persecuted (Fitkin pers. Rattlesnakes are not readily able to disperse long distances and will probably respond slowly to climate change. Five master’s theses have been completed since the previous status report, four in British Columbia (Brown 2007; Gomez 2007; Hobbs 2007; Lomas 2013) and one in California (Barbour 2012). North American distribution of Crotalus oreganus oreganus (redrawn from Ashton and de Queiroz 2001). Several studies (Macartney 1985; Brown 2007; Gomez 2007; Snook and Blaine 2012; Gardiner and Song 2013a,b) used radio-telemetry to track rattlesnakes. 2004). One isolated population suffered from morphological abnormalities and low survivorship, and was susceptible to often-fatal infection with fungal pathogens (Clark et al. Population size and demographic parameters in Western Rattlesnakes, Crotalus oreganus, in British Columbia. BC Ministry of Transportation. Bis vor ein paar Jahren wurde sie gemeinsam mit der Pazifik-Klapperschlange (Crotalus oreganus) als eine Art geführt. 85 pp. He stated that ‘it is suspected that declining trends are ongoing within >75% of the snake populations within the species’ range in BC’. Formerly, agriculture in the southern interior of British Columbia consisted of hayfields, orchards and vegetable crops. Unpubl. 2011. Bertram et al. Habitat conservation management for Great Basin Gopher Snakes and Western Rattlesnakes on the Osoyoos Indian Reserve 2010 AFSAR 1719. Their results suggested that populations of large snakes were reduced by more than 50% within 450 m of moderately used roads (<100 vehicles/day) and that populations continued to be depressed within at least 850 m of roads. The Western Rattlesnake (with no subspecies designations) is listed as either as G5 or not ranked in all states across its US range except in Wyoming, where its rank is S1 (critically imperilled) (NatureServe 2014). Charland. (2001) reported home ranges of 0.12 to 103.5 ha based on radio-telemetry locations from 12 snakes near Kamloops, with the smallest range being that of a gravid female. Crother, B.I.

Privacy Advisor, Public Health Analytics, Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Services, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, British Columbia. Snake removal firm Rattlesnake Solutions was called in to deal with the venomous reptile after its discovery in an apartment in the North Phoenix, Cave Creek area.
2011. Fox Business Flash top headlines are here. [Projected or suspected] percent [reduction or increase] in total number of mature individuals over the next [10 years, or 3 generations]. Feeding habits of the Pacific Rattlesnake. Consequences of abiotic and biotic factors on rattlesnake foraging behaviour. Some dens in the Okanagan are located in forested areas, and increased vegetation growth and shading may be a factor limiting the useful life of these dens and of surrounding basking areas. [accessed July 11, 2013]. This report has benefited from contributions from Jared Hobbs (Senior Biologist, Hemmera Consulting), Orville Dyer, Francis Iredale, Robert Stewart and John Surgenor (BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations), Westbank Animal Care Hospital, Katrina Stipec (British Columbia Conservation Data Centre), and Kristiina Ovaska and Alain Filion (COSEWIC). Figure 3. Hobbs, J. The underside is yellow-white to brown. Road riding. Some dens may persist for hundreds of years. Migration/dispersal begins soon after emergence. 2006). Macartney, J.M.

Sarell, M., and W. Alcock. Brechnuß), Produktnummer (z.B. Although snake numbers varied widely between areas and among dens at the same area, the size and the composition of single dens were stable. The snakes are thought to have dispersed northwards post-glacially from south of the international border. Rudolph et al. 2009) was used to assess threats to the Western Rattlesnake in Canada. Additive mortality from human causes, such as roadkill and deliberate killing of snakes, is hence especially significant for this species. 2007. Implications for underestimates of road mortality. The name C. viridis is now applied to the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crother 2012). In a blog post, Rattlesnake Solutions noted that the snake was quickly and safely captured, and explained how the rattlesnake got into the apartment. Summary of Threats Calculator prepared for Western Rattlesnake, conducted by conference call on 7 February 2013 by species experts and BC Ministry of Environment personnel. 2000. As rattlesnakes in the province have been documented travelling >3 km from hibernacula, a 6 km separation distance for occurrences in suitable habitat and 1 km in unsuitable habitat were used. Is there an [observed, inferred, or projected] decline in number of subpopulations? Macartney (1985) reported population (=den) home ranges calculated using mark-recapture records of multiple snakes from an individual den. comm. No studies were available to document possible genetic differentiation among snakes from different areas in Canada. Web site: [accessed October 2014]. formed the majority of prey of both adults and juveniles. In total, 122 of the 380 dens with confirmed rattlesnake use also had confirmed use by at least one other snake species.

Hauptname: Vol. Jackson, N., and L. Fahrig. 2013. Edmonton Sun, An assessment of climate change impacts on biodiversity management in BC. The area was divided spatially into points or clusters of points that were separated by >6 km from other points in suitable habitat and 1 km in unsuitable habitat (such as lakes or urbanized areas). Unsere homöopathischen Globuli und Dilutionen sind laktosefrei und glutenfrei. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. These parameters were then used to calculate a threat impact for each category. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application].

Zielinski, J. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 12:137–143. In den grünen Feldern werden Ihnen die jeweiligen Hauptnamen unserer Mittel angezeigt.

Iredale, F., and G. Ferguson. 3 pp. 2001).

First Edition. 41 pp. It has dark diamond-shaped patterns along is back. Table 6. The highest number of roadkills by month occurred during September, when the snakes were returning to hibernacula.

Both snakes and their hibernacula have been destroyed (sometimes deliberately) by earth-moving equipment during road construction (Sarell pers. 2001; Hobbs 2013).

Kaiser Permanente Medical Toxicology. Western Rattlesnakes move seasonally between overwintering dens and summer foraging ranges. Brown, J. The link between mating season and male reproductive anatomy in the rattlesnakes Crotalus viridis oreganus and Crotalus viridis helleri. March 2013. Small protected areas frequently lose species through stochastic events (Shaffer 1981), as well as through variation in vital rates (e.g., fecundity, survival) of populations associated with small patch sizes (Hokit and Branch 2003). 6 pp.

Macartney (1985), Bertram et al.

Is there sufficient habitat for immigrants in Canada? Table 1. obs.). Macartney et al. The tail has black and white bands just above the rattles. Dogs and cats will occasionally kill rattlesnakes (Klauber 1997). Livestock grazing is widespread. Effectiveness of short-distance translocation and its effects on western rattlesnakes. Body temperatures and movements of hibernating snakes (Crotalus and Thamnophis) and thermal gradients of natural hibernacula. The British Columbia Conservation Data Centre ranks the subspecies Crotalus oreganus oreganus as S3 (Vulnerable). There was no evidence that the short-distance translocation had negative effects on survival, behaviour, or body condition. 1-26 pp. 2011).
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. From 2002 – 2013, a total of 1044 rattlesnakes had been marked at this approximately 350 ha site; 639 of the marked snakes were adults. 2001). Standardized sampling (May to mid-July: 2010 – 2013) on Highway 97 between the border and Okanagan Falls has not resulted in the detection of any rattlesnakes (Ashpole pers. The rate of removal of the carcasses by scavengers was not documented but has been found to be high in other studies, greatly underestimating roadkill rates (Slater 2002; DeGregorio et al. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. National Wildlife Health Center, Wildlife Health Bulletin 2013-02 (PDF; 354 KB). COSEWIC assessment and status report on Great Basin Gophersnake, Pituophis caternicus deserticola in Canada. In the Vernon area, migration routes and summer range were along shallow north-facing slopes that were more homogeneously vegetated by Bluebunch Wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa), and various native shrubs. Copeia 1990:528–542. Are conditions for the source population deteriorating?

116 pp.

2014), suggesting that the heavy road traffic is incompatible with rattlesnake presence.