I can see in the Admin page that Teams has created a group called X and X@Company.com associated email. Messages sent to this address are handled by a connector that import the content into teams to create a new conversation in the target channel. In Microsoft 365, you can send email as a distribution list. This topic shows you how to do this. Use a contact group (formerly called a “distribution list”) to send an email to multiple people—a project team, a committee, or even just a group of friends—without having to add each name to the To, Cc, or Bcc line individually. At the bottom of the Select Members dialog box, in the Members box, right-click and then click Paste on the shortcut menu. Unfortunately, you can't import a list of contacts from Excel directly into a distribution list, but you can import the contacts into your Contacts folder, then use the instructions above to create a distribution list from those contacts. 3. Share to Outlook. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/add-a-team-to-an-office-365-group-24ec428e-40d7-4a1a-ab87-2... https://office365itpros.com/2018/12/02/groups-and-teams-different-email-addresses/, https://office365itpros.com/2018/12/03/copying-messages-distribution-list-teams-channel/. @Paul Robinson Of course it doesn't work if you block external domains. Then you can create a contact group (formerly called a “distribution list”) using the imported contact information. Empowering technologists to achieve more by humanizing tech. Assuming it’s a shared mailbox and not a distribution list since flow can’t pull from that unless your talking about a distribution list containing another mailbox that your flow is monitoring. Do this for each person whom you want to add to the contact group, and then click OK. This is a special address that you can't control because it does not belong to your tenant or any domain associated with your tenant. Connect and engage across your organization. When the name you're searching for appears in the list below, click it, and then click Members. The card icon is for individual contacts and the people icon is for contact groups. Open the message that contains the distribution list. ‎12-20-2018 Fully managed intelligent database services. Now, I want to create a team for all employees with the teams appand use the existing email address for the team. At the bottom of the Select Members dialog box, in the Members box, right-click, and then click Paste. Empowering technologists to achieve more by humanizing tech. The bottom line is that you should create a mail contact for the Teams channel email address and add that to the DL. This feature allows an Office 365 group to act like a distribution list. There's a crucial point to understand here. If you are adding a new email contact, enter the information for the person in the Add New Member dialog box. When a person who is a member of the distribution list replies to a message sent to the distribution list, the email appears to be from the distribution list… on If we want all communication to go into Teams, has anyone taken existing Distribution Lists and redirected them to just forward to a Teams channel email or anything like that? Office 365 is very flexible... @Tony Redmond Unfortunately, this does not work if you do not allow outside senders to send to the distribution group. I've tested and found if you have a list that you don't want receiving external messages, the contact cannot be added because it doesn't share your domain. on on Re: How to use autogenerated Teams email as a distribution list of that team? We have a "Technology Leadership Team" distribution … September 23, 2020, Posted in Create a distribution list by copying names from an e-mail message. 3. Before you perform these steps, make sure you've been added to a Microsoft 365 distribution list and you've have been granted Send as permission on it. Community to share and get the latest about Microsoft Learn. Fully managed intelligent database services. In the Address Book drop-down list, click the address book that contains the e-mail addresses you want to include in your distribution list. If you have a lot of business or personal contacts that you keep in an Excel spreadsheet, you can import them straight into Outlook. For more information see the Knowledge Base article on the maximum size for distribution lists. on itsmesri In the window that opens, right-click inside the Members box, and click Paste, or press Ctrl+V. In the To or Cc box, right-click the contact group, and then click Add to Outlook Contacts. I don't want to get some information through email and other information through Teams but don't know the best way to handle that sort of thing. Open a message that was sent to the distribution list. September 04, 2018, by The email address assigned to a team (primarySMTPaddress) is used to distribute copies of messages to the members of the underlying Office 365 group if they subscribe to updates. Send email as a distribution list. The maximum number of names that you can include in a distribution list depends on the size of the contact files (for each contact) themselves. on Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. 12:08 PM Any ideas would be great. Fully managed intelligent database services. Create and optimise intelligence for industrial control systems. September 22, 2020. We are starting to also create teams in Teams to correspond with some of these these items. ‎12-20-2018 Open the message that contains the contact group. on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/set-unifiedgroup?view=exchange-ps, Microsoft Teams devices for shared spaces, Transform productivity by enable Microsoft 365 partner apps for your organization. Die Visitenkarte des Empfängers entspricht der Visitenkarte der Verteilerliste. Note:  To add someone who is not in your address book or contacts, select New E-mail Contact. Anne Michels The special domain isn't owned by you or known to you, so it's an external domain even if it points to a channel in one of your teams. Right-click your selection, and then click Copy, or press Ctrl+C.