He also seemed so shy. Megatron killed a Primes Girlfriend...................You NEVER kill a Prime's girlfriend......... Looks really cool! Optimus went crazy on the decepticons after that. It was introduced on April 16, 2003 in the first issue of War and Peace for the Generation 1 comic series and on April 9, 2003 in the tenth issue of Armada for the Unicron Trilogy comic series. I didn't even buy anything because the dealer's room was so packed I didn't want to be in there at all.) Also I apologize to James Roberts for shouting out, "Roberts, you magnificent bastard!" Bad dad award. The time now is 9:21 AM. D'oh!). He is best known to Transformers fans as the man behind LilFormers and a former editor and post production manager for Dreamwave Productions. Wavelengths was promoted as the fan section of the Dreamwave run of Transformers comics. But life goes on and he got 3 toys by the end of the day. It's sad and awesome at the same time, but you have a good point Tyler5036. Just met protoman, tbs and peaugh. Being a parent means turning down the $110 exclusive you'd disown your nephew over. Material contained in the Wavelengths pages were previews (including ones for other, not-Transformers Dreamwave comics), creator interviews (called "From The Desk Of..."), reader mail, fan art and contests. There was serious competition this year though! A cocktail and local crab cakes seemed like a good idea. (Though they could have been better bought, I'd get something from one dealer, then find it cheaper at another later on. I wonder whats the next Con Michael Bell will attend. TFcon is pleased to welcome Matt Moylan to TFcon DC 2017. View attachment 27816910 View attachment 27816911 View attachment 27816914 View attachment 27816915 View attachment 27816916 View attachment 27816917View attachment 27816919THE SCUM HAS ARRIVED: I managed to get my kid through the previews panel & some of the costume contest. If you have more attendees than before, why get a SMALLER space? I found everything I COULD want but little I DID want. You can I had a good time but next year either my wife comes or I'll go alone. I've really enjoyed talking to the artists, and that's pretty much where my money has gone! I think the organizers were cheaping out this year with the con space and it showed. Online booking for the TFcon DC 2017 hotel block is still available. Wavelengths was promoted as the fan section of the Dreamwave run of Transformers comics. transformers==2.2.2 補足 transformers==2.2.2について 2019/12/14時点では、 pip install transformersで入るバージョンだとbert-japaneseは使えませんでした。 gitをcloneしてきてinstallすることで使えました。 いずれpipにも入ると思い Andrew Griffith had an issue with his flight, but will apparently be here tomorrow from what I saw on his Twitter page. TFcon is pleased to welcome Matt Moylan to TFcon DC 2017. MPM-04 (a figure I've been sitting on the fence about getting) looks fantastic in person! Also, seeing certain figures in person instead of viewing a picture online really makes a difference. Had a super megatron sighting earlier lol. Amazing writer, poor public speaker. All in all, a good con so far! They were reasonably priced and they got the same joy as they would've with an unopened version. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Saw a friendross, razerwire and vangelus. I was rodimus with the matrix. Here it is-->, Looks like Finnick's Van but it's different. Can't say that I've seen any head-turning deals on the floor, which was jam packed this morning! My first TFCon, had a great time, nice meeing tbs from the boards here for the first time and seeing Big Filipino who I knew from Botcon 2014-2016. I think the only part he heard was 'bastard', and I don't know if he knew that was a bit of a catch phrase/meme on the review boards. (And it showed. Can you believe it sat all morning until we went to buy it. Showing my boys the G1 versions of characters was really cool, and then seeing the modern representations really showcases how far toy designs and engineering have come. This could fit in between the years from the series and the movie (1986-2005) since she was never seen again. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. (I'll be nice about the hostess and say little. The latter three topics were wrapped together in a section called "DW Letters" early on. This is the first hobby convention I have ever been to, and the experience was great! Transformers - Optimus Prime By MattMoylan Watch 3K Favourites 408 Comments 126K Views This is an old unused Transformers cover I found on my hard drive, which I decided to have a go at colouring. Ok like its empty all of the sudden wherebis everyone? All times are GMT -4. D.C. Is an expensive city, bots included, View attachment 27816868 View attachment 27816869 View attachment 27816870. This is an old unused Transformers cover I found on my hard drive, which I decided to have a go at colouring. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. 20th Anniversary Transformers Summer Special, Wayback Machine archive of www.dreamwaveprod.com, https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Wavelengths&oldid=1121023. Hope everyone got home safe! FUN LITTLE TOYS Remote Control Dinosaur with Sound and Light Transforming Toy... Transformers Energon Signal Flare Hasbro 2004. At 9:30 AM the Dealer Room was absolutely packed. Advance TFcon DC 2017 Tickets are still on sale. We walked down the road for lunch and are headed back for the 3p panel. Matt Moylan of LilFormers to attend TFcon DC 2017, TFcon – America’s largest Transformers convention, Online booking for the TFcon DC 2017 hotel block is still available, Transformers Energon Skyblast Hasbro 2004, Transformers OPTIMUS PRIME War for Cybertron: Siege Voyager Class. Posted on September 18, 2017 at 1:32 pm by Super_Megatron under Conventions. Honestly the fact that we came in Thursday and left Monday really helped, because we could see the local sights of the city before the con and hang out with all the friends we made after the con.