We also have a very extensive section on the site devoted to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, which you can find here. Teaching Ideas Ltd. Use this video for inspiration: Make a list of the different types of weather that the family encounter. Can you think of similar locations near to where you live? Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You See? Dear Zoo Storytelling Basket for Toddlers - The Imagination Tree. Review the list with the children. Ask them to think of different places they could go — like outer space, an island, a jungle, a zoo, etc. This Is Our House, PreK–K,  Ask them to think of a special sound and movement to accompany each idea. What types of habitat do they live in? © Teaching Ideas 1998-2020 "In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer." Tell them that you would like them to join in and create movements to dramatize the different events the family encounter on their bear hunt. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear Since the book involves mud, it fits with our mud theme for this week, so we read the book, and then went outside to act it out. Adjust the story as you like: We like to adapt the story to be a "hike" rather than a "hunt" with a focus on being curious rather than trying to capture a bear. Place the suggested bear items around the classroom before the children arrive or while they are resting. Reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and doing so many fun activities along with it, was such a fun part of our literature-based learning with our boys. Allowed HTML tags: