TAU slows down, after the fast and furious ARIES energy, and favours predictability and patience; therefore habits and routines are formed.
to integration, and: In the now beginning retro phase of these 3 major Planetary Players (until mid Sept / early Oct) it’s time to reflect deeper on the changes, and how we can co-create them, plus: Fixed, earthy TAURUS (ruled by VENUS) is all about embodiment, enjoyment of life-on-Earth, sensuality, assimilation (food and stuff), and value. The energy turns from rapid outer manifestation (a LOT happened since January!) And (as you can see in the chart above) the SCO MOON opposes a gravitation in TAU now – SUN / MERCURY (was exact May 4)), and URANUS – the main and ‘lasting’ ‘Player’ (until 2026) – ‘kicking’ us like Buddha the Awakener into freedom from the known and attached-to, and into embodying the liberation. tau Sco is therefore a puzzling outlier in the larger picture of stellar magnetism - a star that still defies interpretation in terms of a physically coherent model. Can you tell from his art and his intense gaze?
But the “window” must first be opened and the bag emptied. The Buddhists would suggest two ‘ways out’ of suffering:
The Full Moon in May traditionally marks the Wesak Moon in Buddhist cultures, and falls this year on May 7, with the MOON in mid SCO and the SUN in mid TAU. The names of all the 9/11 victims are engraved across the frames of the Ground Zero pools – and visitors are “encouraged to touch the names”. The Buddhists would suggest two ‘ways out’ of the quagmire of suffering: What’s your ‘old regime’ (hint: power / control themes)?
For reference, this is the only Full Moon that catalyzes JUPITER in SCO (Oct 10, 2017 – Nov 8, 2018), and reversely the only time this year a Full MOON gets charged up by JUPITER! This is where deep ‘down under’ transformational ‘digestion’ of what’s actually already dead needs to happen, be purged, and eliminated.
No need to get stuck in the process. Our very ‘human humus’ and shadow can’t be just ‘gotten rid of,’ or ‘hidden away’.
KEYNOTE: The cleansing of the ego-consciousness. TAURUS is the sign that provides such sustaining delivery and assimilation – intake through feeding and reliable presence… whereas SCO represents necessary detoxifying elimination, often through painful processes.
The SCO Full Moon happens often close to Mother’s Day. PLUTO end of CAP is already retro (since Apr 25, until Oct 4). One essential question in Buddhism is: May the astrological Wesak Moon and the Buddhist Wesak Moon bring golden opportunities for insights and practice that set us FREE! So much ARIES activation recently, and continuously via CHIRON & LILITH too – encouraging us to be authentic in our process (no sugarcoating, and playing nice).
Immersed in the realm of TAURUS, as in the full bloom of Spring, we celebrate the physical senses, comfort and pleasure, everything that creates security and grounding, and grows over time. The average field strength of a few hundred Gauss is actually quite similar to that of a strong refrigerator magnet. Ultimately, as the spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti would point out brilliantly, it’s about Freedom without an opposite (as in: from / for), since otherwise it pretends to be Freedom but isn’t the real deal. TAU has a strong resistance to change and to pain. With our conscious Self (represented by the SUN) we have to patiently stay and ‘sit with’ (TAU quality) what comes up from the depth, for the processing.
Why? SCO penetrates the underground / underworld / underbelly, which can be a painful process (TAU – SCO also represent the pleasure – pain, and life – death axis). And to sit a la TAU with what’s here-now, enJoy Life with all its blossoming expressions – without getting attached. Buddhist Stupa – perhaps under the Wesak Full Moon (photographer unknown), What an intense time it’s been – since it all changed, and public & social, and physically close to one another publicly turned into private and distant…! That’s not what our Lunar side (representing also our Inner Child) is most comfortable with, to put it mildly. The Full Moon in May traditionally marks the Wesak Moon in Buddhist cultures, and that falls this year on May 18, with the MOON in late SCO and the SUN in late TAU. To be processed & shadow purged & transformed into powerful energy (SCO) – and used as ‘compost’ for new grounding and sustaining energy (TAU).
A lot of tension that has built up and stored / been ‘successfully’ controlled / repressed, comes out of psychological abysses and searches for release, in Humanity, societies, groups, with friends – to assert individuality, autonomy and freedom (MARS in AQ) beyond regulative / enforced controls and restrictions, based on (some say manufactured) F.E.A.R. Lots of tension / stress that’s been built up, held, contained, and stuck (fixed) calls to be creatively expressed through ‘the best of LEO’ – a loving Heart, generosity, and childlike playfulness! One of the candidates is the star Tau Scorpii (Tau Sco) in the Upper Scorpius Association whose observed surface magnetic field is illustrated above. More about these cosmic players below – they both play important roles presently, and give us clues where & how the energies are being / can be expressed. If you feel the resonance with the themes above, and you could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action. So there it is – the SCO – TAU Full Moon themes a la NYC. Can you ‘sit’ with it all, open to the light of consciousness? A lot of tension that has built up and stored / been ‘successfully’ controlled / repressed, comes out of psychological abysses and searches for release, in Humanity, societies, groups, with friends –, Yes, SATURN in AQ has the late CAP ‘trail’ of JUPITER-PLUTO ‘behind’ it –. Also supported by PLUTO – the Planet associated with SCO. You can see it in the chart below. Firstly, there’s a difference between physical and emotional pain and human suffering that comes from it – true but not always easy to do… that’s why it’s called a practice. The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. Astrology for SelfRealization FB Page ‘The change’ seriously kicked in in unprecedented global (WHO directed) synchronization lock-down & war on virus, timely synch’ed with SATURN’s entry into AQ at Spring Equinox. ), Tue MAY 12 We ARE the field, and the buddhic catalysts for evolution and liberation…. on Jan 12, 2020. …and for the MOON which will be at 17º20′ SCORPIO. Fake Freedom so-to-say. She’s the last in a series of 3 Super Full Moons this year (March 9, April 7/8, May 7).
As you see, the SCO MOON ‘sits’ all by herself, only aspected by the opposition to the SUN / MERCURY (while everybody else seems to have a good time…). SCO penetrates the underground / underworld / underbelly, which can be a painful process (TAU – SCO also represent the pleasure – pain, and life – death axis). K’s Taurean human birthday was May 12.
Golden-lit water cascades down into the about 1 acre square pools, and from there into central smaller completely dark square pools – like black holes.
It expresses the gist of basic Buddhist teachings, which in turn can help us understand and transform the core of the matter with TAU – SCO! The SCO / TAU Wesak Full Moon each year is a fully solar illumined (therefore the most potent) SCO MOON that reveals our deepest needs for transformation. Get in touch with me if you’d like to hear more about it, or discuss how it can be beneficial for you. relevant for all our fixed sign themes (Sun / Moon / AC / Planets in TAU, LEO, SCO, and AQ).
Sargas, Theta Scorpii A (θ Sco A), is a white giant star located in the constellation Scorpius. Taurean Life-as-Spring, enjoyment, physical / material pleasure, eating, embodying, gaining, having. SCORPIO (ruled by PLUTO) carries transformation medicine. ASTRO~SPA for Moms is on! Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution. As MARS in CAP passed SATURN on Apr 2, LILITH on Apr 17, and PLUTO on Apr 26.
Reminiscent / playing out on an intense stage what’s going on in life, in all of us. [1] References [ eedit | eedit soorce ] Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self, 11th House A time to go deep into the core of it, and let the pain and woundedness hat’s usually hidden process, for transformation – which takes its time…. The answer is simple and obvious – yet still, it’s over and over again revolutionary to see it this way (why do we forget?! So here’s the opportunity to ‘Let the Old Empire Expire’ as I call the theme that’s concentrated these years 2019 / 20, with SATURN / PLUTO / South Node close together in CAP (esp this Spring, and again strong / culminating with the SAT – PLUTO conj. Can you ‘sit’ with it all, open to the light of consciousness? Let your Inner Child show you what’s hurtful, and be a good Inner Parent / Inner Elder (SATURN now retro) to him / her. Bali Morning Prayer – Photo by Helga Hendricks.
Come over / let’s meet online, for your private Astro session!