When they weren’t jumping all over the place, that is, or popping out of focus thanks to erratic seeing. (Generally speaking, I think things take very very much time to happen in years). The women's long winter down jacket by Porrima is a warm and welcoming model with an ultra feminine style. Regards, rich. Sure am glad you two are seeing something besides clouds! Old Kingdom of Egypt, sure, maybe, but a "tribe"? I thought this morning would be different. If you centre theta in your glasses then move about one and a half fields north and very slightly to the west you'll find delta Virginis, a red giant with the name Auva, from barking dog. Your notes on the views through an 8″ SCT made me feel a little less unhappy about getting up at 5.30am. Instead of the calm breezes and abundant sunlight they'd been expecting, the colonists faced hurricanes, thunderstorms, powerful lightning strikes, and heavy rains that quite literally washed away the first settlements. At least i got another definite split of Izar, if not a great view. 08/08/11 I just got this beautiful pair last night w/ my12mm astrometric EP + a Barlow 2.5X at 487X, C925. ! Congratulations. something like your weather and what i tried to leave behind in the UK. N . âWith a single temperature for all whole cuts of meat and uniform 3-minute stand time, we believe it will be much easier for consumers to remember and result in safer food preparation,â USDA Under Secretary Elisabeth Hagen says in a news release. Some few examples: if you look at a region, show "this region belongs to polities X and Y" or "this language is spoken in polity X (or by peoples X and Y" or the region view would show their human population too. Thanks Rich – as far as I know the rule for primary remains the same – the brightest of the pair is the primary. The celestial mechanics with Porrima are unique for me . Humidity was 50%. and a 2x barlow giving me During that 3-minute period, the temperature of meat remains constant or continues to rise, destroying pathogens. So it makes a crude kind of sense to me that they would demand better conditions to produce the same results on the same target – especially when light isn’t an issue. of 20º. Again, I had a split, but with so much flaring between the stars I could not be positive. Unlucky, sir . Notes: It takes both Porrima components 170 years to orbit around each other. Delta is a red giant, with a radius 61 times that of the Sun's. I love having an excuse to revisit these stars! Seeing was good, although not totally dark. Here the full 381X was needed to get a really clean break – and I suspect I will find another night with better conditions – but this was delightful. I got a slightly out of round star and when I dropped in the 6mm ortho This morning wasn’t it, but it was fun. It’s definitely within reach this year! I sure can visualize what it looked like from that description. Zavijava, a universal name in modern catalogues, is first found with Giuseppe Piazzi, Italian astronomer (1746-1826), but is Zarijan in the Standard Dictionary.It is from Al Zawiah, the Angle, or Corner, i.e. Then most of the world is covered in red pixels. The first settlers to the world were ready to build a thriving colony on the calm world they'd seen as part of the survey. Does that mean the challenge will be gone? When creating a world, you tend to get a good-looking place with many deserts and I am not claiming that your algorithms in creating climate zones are bad or wrong. The National Pork Board says reducing the standard by 15 degrees âmay yield a finished product that is pinkerâ that most people who cook are used to. Unfortunately the entire northern hemisphere seems to be “enjoying” volatile weather. on Castor trying different powers so am looking forward to your notes-no pressure! But I didn’t even attempt to split it because seeing was so poor. For example, a search on "15h" will find all doubles we've reported on that have an RA of 15 hours. my weather also now bad. Dozens of galaxies are in the vicinity but large telescopes are needed to resolve them. Clear skies, rich. If you’ve ever wondered about how much money you need to spend on a telescope to enjoy this endeavor, this one is living proof that it can be done very economically. An excellent site that Greg came across for star lore is this one which contains excerpts from R. H. Allen’s Star Names — scroll halfway down to get to the section on Porrima. Anyway, reading your comments is vicariously pleasure-able. (I don’t know if there are any pairs truly equal if you measure closely enough, but to the eye these seem equal. His diagram is for a reflector but having the benefit of your “directions in the sky” i can see why you start with 16 degrees. After a very long time it finally started to spread, and as I expected, the polity that had it spread like a kudzu, but that's only in one "invention" spot, all others are still 1 pixel after 200k years or so. It’s a real pleasure, though, to see that figure-8 shape develop in a 60mm scope and then to suddenly see two distinct globes. I take that as a testimony to how quickly seeing can change. The agency says the only reliable indicator of safe meat is temperature obtained with a food thermometer, and that its appearance is not a reliable indicator of temperature. I switched to the 6-3 Nagler zoom. You should be able to get a definite figure-8 image in the 50mm if the seeing is stable. In a 10mm eyepiece (122x) they were a stretched out oval of light; in a 9mm (136x), they were more defined, still touching, not quite separate yet; and with a 7.5mm eyepiece (163x), they were transformed into two distinct globes — pure, white, shimmering, fantastic — words just don’t quite describe it! It just wasn’t there. I just got in from a nice session with an LX-10 ( 8-inch SCT) and near the end I took a shot at Porrima through the trees. Hello, and thank you for this really promising project. On the other hand, eight inches may be too much aperture. At my location 37N 8W(southern portugal) this means a pre-dawn trip to the roof of the building, but saturn will be there as another treat. At their closest, which was in 2007/2008, they were beyond the range of most scopes not housed in a large observatory. I would take 50% cloud cover if the seeing was better. Close – but not satisfactory. The components are almost perfect identical twins, both white class F (F0) dwarf stars with surface temperatures of about 7100 degrees Kelvin, significantly warmer than the Sun. If you haven’t looked at Porrima and Saturn yet this month, time’s a-wastin’ — better take a look soon before they drop low into the southwest and become difficult to see well through the thicker atmosphere. They orbit each other on highly elliptical paths in only 169 years, and as a result, a single observer can watch them easily move over the course of a lifetime. Located about fifteen degrees to the northwest of bluish-white first magnitude Spica, Porrima “A” and “B” are two of the fastest orbiting stars you’re likely to encounter. please!!! As much as I hate to lose these two beautiful objects, they’ll be gone for all practical purposes in another few weeks. of 340º, (on the 7th I got a P.A. This is what Porrima and Saturn looked like on May 23rd, 2011, at 2300 PDT, when they were a little less than a degree apart.