Houghton Mifflin Company, New York. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Missouri. The top of the head is dark brown or black and a dark, wide band may be visible from the snout through the eye and onto the neck. Cottonmouth Snake Behaviour and Diet B., Camp C. D., Gibbons, W., and Elliot, M. J. Diet: Mostly eats fish, frogs, salamanders, lizards, birds, rodents, and other snakes. Water moccasins have dark stripes by each nostril and pale snouts, which can be helpful in identifying features. Bien que leur dangerosité ait été exagérée, en de rares occasions les mâles territoriaux abordent l… The Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, MO. Mississippi Green Watersnake does not have facial pits or vertical pupils. One subspecies, Western Cottonmouth (A. p. leucostoma), is recognized in the state. Western Cottonmouths are dark olive-brown to almost black with dark crossbands that may not be visible. Young are lighter with distinct crossbands and a yellow-tipped tail. These venomous snakes, also commonly known as “water moccasin,” cottonmouth snakes occur in the western third of Tennessee, including counties on the northern Highland Rim. They have large jowls, due to their venom glands, and \"cat-eye\" pupils. Juveniles also have bright yellow tail tips. Water moccasins' large, triangular heads are distinct from their thinner necks, unlike many oth… Copperhead lacks the dark, wide band on side of head. Habitat of the Cottonmouth. 2006. Cottonmouth Snake Habitat. Western cottonmouth The United States, from southern Alabama along coast of the Gulf of Mexico, including many offshore islands, to southeastern and central Texas, and north to Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana: A. p. piscivorus (Lacépède, 1789) Eastern cottonmouth Johnson, T.R. They are commonly found in marshes, lakes, swamps, streams, creeks, and ponds. The aggressive nature projected onto Cottonmouths is greatly exaggerated. States, the cottonmouth and the copperhead (A. contortrix). Juvenile cottonmouths are a brown or tan color with darker, reddish brown crossbands containing many speckles down the back. Best places to see in Tennessee: Reelfoot Lake and the swamps in the area. This species of snake is semi-aquatic, and thus attracted to areas with sources of water. Throughout much of their range, Cottonmouth Snakes are found in open flat wood pine forests or bald cypress swamps. Habitat: Occurs mainly in the swamps, sloughs, wetlands, and drainage ditches of western coastal plain; occasionally found around rivers and lakes. Le mocassin d'eau (Agkistrodon piscivorus) est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Viperidae1 que l'on trouve dans le Sud-Est des États-Unis. Status in Tennessee: Cottonmouths are relatively common in aquatic habitats of western Tennessee. Conant, R. and Collins, J. It is often found in cultivated fields adjacent to swamp or sluggish streams. Belly is tan or gray with dark blotches. Cottonmouth name derived from their behavior of opening mouth, in a defensive posture, to show white, puffy lining. They can be found swimming in the water, coiled on the bank, or in vegetation along the shore. Both occur in North Carolina. Males perform a dance in which they slither back and forth while waving their tails to attract females. Les adultes sont grands et capables de délivrer une morsure douloureuse et potentiellement mortelle. Peterson Field Guides: Reptiles and Amphibians (Eastern/Central North America). The cottonmouth, or water moccasin, is a dark-colored, heavy-bodied snake that can grow to an average of 2-4 feet in length. There are three subspecies of cottonmouth. 1998. Lorsqu'il est dérangé, ce serpent s'enroule sur lui-même et montre ses crochets venimeux. 616pp. This is a semiaquatic snake found in lowland habitats, including swamps, freshwater and brackish marshes, ponds, ditches, streams, rivers, and forested and grassland areas next to wet areas. For the most part they prefer aquatic habitats with slow-moving water and plenty of aquatic vegetation to attract prey and provide hiding places. Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia, University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA. 575pp. Males are longer and heavier than females. Jensen, J. These venomous snakes, also commonly known as “water moccasin,” cottonmouth snakes occur in the western third of Tennessee, including counties on the northern Highland Rim. Breeding information: Mating occurs usually in spring, but can take place any time of year. Its venom toxicity ranks fourth of the six species of North A white upper lip may be noticeable as well. One subspecies, Western Cottonmouth (A. p. leucostoma), is recognized in the state.Description: A large, heavy-bodied pit viper (30.0 to 42.0 inches in length) with keeled scales, vertical pupils, and a triangular head. The subspecies in North Carolina is the Eastern cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus) Along with copperheads and rattlesnakes, the cottonmouth is a member of the viper family (Viperidae). Most of the time they remain in freshwater, but … Similar Species:  Southern and Northern Watersnakes are lighter in color, not as heavy-bodied, and lack facial pits. Description: A large, heavy-bodied pit viper (30.0 to 42.0 inches in length) with keeled scales, vertical pupils, and a triangular head. These snakes generally try to escape if encountered and escape in a random direction, thus occasionally come at you rather than away. There is a large sensory pit on each side of the head between the nostril and eye. Diamond-backed Watersnake is lighter with a chain-like pattern. 2008. Water moccasins are relatively large, often ranging from 2 to 4 feet (61 to 122 centimeters) long, according to the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. Cottonmouth snakes are rarely found far from a permanent water source, such as a slow moving stream, edge of a lake, pond, swamp, or even brackish tidal estuaries. Females give live birth to a litter of 2-15 (average 7) young during late summer.