We have temporarily disabled webmail access to the email service. When will the issue be repaired If you’re experiencing an issue with your Home Phone service, you’ve come to the right place.

You are being redirected to a part of our website that is not adapted to your device. You can change your province here.

(*60). or Is Cogeco currently having problems and outages?". How do I use Call Display Blocking so my contact information is hidden when I make a call? Disclamer: The outage map for Cogeco down status shows the geo locations of people that are asking questions like "Is Cogeco down right now?

Realtime overview of issues and outages with all kinds of services. Telephone Service and Calling Features (*).

Cogeco email has been on the fritz beginning on August 25 2012, and at the time of writing (Aug 28, 10:15am) the service has not been restored for all. UPDATE: An optical fiber cut is reportedly the reason for this morning's Cogeco outage, says the company. " What should I do if I’m having trouble reaching a certain number? Please note that the issue impacting our services in Pembroke, Petawawa & Renfrew regions is due to an optical fiber cut and will require some time to resolve. Why do people’s voices sound robotic on the phone? Why does the other person’s voice cut in and out when I am on a call? Normally the larger the red dots are in the outages and problems map, the more likely that Cogeco is down … The Cogeco website and email went down last night around 11pm and was still down when I logged off at around 4am. Let us know what you need help with, and we’ll point you in the right direction. (*97), How do I block calls from certain numbers? We would like to inform you that you will not lose any email. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Why do I sometimes lose sound during a call. (* 72). Can I get a deleted message back in my voice mail if I deleted it by mistake? Cogeco to reimburse people for email outage. If you are an Outlook user, you may experience slowness but should continue to be able to access email.

Can I block a specific caller even if I don’t know their phone number? Having issues? What do I do if I forget my voicemail password or if I want to change the password? How do I configure my Call Forwarding service from my home phone? @ThompsonDawna @cogeco We just had techs here installing an extender and they said there is an issue with new TiVo equipment being installed and the Tv with the extender now won’t connect. 55 SignaturesGoal: 1,000. I apologize for the inconvenience and will provide an update to this issue at approximately 1PM.-Tristan Cogeco How do I dial out for local calls, as well as long distance calls to Canada, the United States and abroad? You have been located in Ontario.

Sign in to Cogeco My Account to check your Internet usage, view your bills and subscribe to paperless billing. We help you find out what is wrong.
It's all up now for me.

J C 0 Comments. What do I do if constantly hear a busy signal on my phone?