See more: Breast Cancer Prevention Diet & Nutrition Tips For All Women. Just by drinking 1 or 2 glasses of red wine per day may help prevent you from a lot of diseases of the elderly, including osteoporosis. The coming presidential election will have a profound impact on the health of all Americans. In this article, will show you top 12 health benefits of red wine for men & women. Kiera Carter has a decade's worth of experience covering fitness, health, and lifestyle topics for national magazines and websites. Although virtual visits have improved access for many Americans, others struggle to connect with a healthcare provider. Keep reading this writing to learn more! Doctors have linked a number of significant health benefits to drinking red wine: Don’t overdo it, but do enjoy a glass of red wine or two, as an effortless way to get health benefits. In addition, resveratrol in red wine, a powerful antioxidant compound, helps protect your heart & arteries against the effect of saturated fat in the daily diet, so drinking 1 or 2 glasses of red wine per day may help protect your heart as well as prevent cardiovascular disease. If you are getting sick, the antioxidants in your red wine can help keep you healthy. Resveratrol found in red wine can be a key to keep your memory sharp. Imoviesclub Review – Does This Program Work? When your enamel is harder, it is more resistant to the bacteria called Streptococcus mutans that lives on your teeth & that is responsible for dental conditions such as tooth decay. But then we learn about the amazing health benefits that can come from having a glass or two of red wine every day. A new study finds that including race in medical calculations and guidelines can lead to disparities in care for Black Americans. Think of the antioxidant process in terms of what happens when you slice into an apple. Expansion of Telemedicine Reveals Disparities in Who Has Access to Remote Care, Race-Adjusted Medicine May Deprive Black Patients of Treatment, Health Makers: This Doctor Blends Holistic Health With Concierge Medicine and Telehealth, A Detailed Guide to Antioxidants: Why They’re Beneficial and the Best Sources. Polyphenols is one of antioxidants found in red wine that help lower your bad cholesterol and keep your blood vessels flexible. What's the real story here? In general, antioxidants keep free radicals from attacking the body's cells and contributing to destructive processes inside the body. One 2015 study has shown that drinking a glass of red wine with dinner “modestly … ... which means one drink for women and up to two drinks for men …