Wenn Dir der Inhalt gefällt, deaktiviere bitte Adblocker. It's far more complex. Playing against the Akinator is very similar to the game 21 Questions, which we all played as kids. Download the file for your platform. We’ve already known that Akinator uses two elements in the game: algorithms and a rich database. Ever since Akinator PC was trending on Facebook and Twitter last 2013, the game has quite grown popular in the following years. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. We’ve already known that Akinator uses two elements in the game: algorithms and a rich database. Akinator.com funktioniert hauptsächlich durch Werbeeinschaltungen. Akinator.com is an online game where you think of a character, real or fiction, and by asking you questions the site will try to guess who you’re thinking of. all systems operational. The first thing you want to do after creating an instance of this class is to call Akinator.start_game(). Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt for details). It uses statistics to find patterns in a massive amount of data. Anyway, echoing with others - this appears to be a decision rules or tree type search. The three most important values in the dict are name (character’s name), description (description of character), and absolute_picture_path (direct link to image of character) The latter seems to focus more on objects, explicitly telling you not to think of persons or places. These two elements correlate to what machine learning is. Take the group with the character in it and split it in two. I learn neural network before ,but it is too complicated for me. Status:

Both have the same classes, names of functions, etc. Paluten / Patrick Mayer (LetsPlayer, Gamer),Trend vom 20. This function defines and returns the variable Akinator.first_guess, a dictionary describing his first choice for who you’re thinking about. I think. Site map. And here’s why. Now, let’s jump right in to answer the question that most users are curious about – does Akinator use machine learning? The algorithm we use is an original creation. Enjoy Akinator PC today and explore the wonders of this AI-powered game. If it’s set to True, then Akinator won’t ask questions about things that are NSFW, Answer the current question, which you can find with Akinator.question. A simple binary tree wouldn't help. One could say that akinator is more general, allowing you to think of literally anything, including abstractions such as "my brother". A class that represents an Akinator game. ", (This post was last modified: Dec-26-2016, 08:54 AM by, (This post was last modified: Dec-26-2016, 10:54 AM by, (This post was last modified: Dec-27-2016, 07:14 AM by, https://www.quora.com/How-does-the-web-s...nator-work, http://openbookproject.net/py4fun/animal/animal.html, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DgLBGvjo2zk. Alternatively, you can view the VERSION.txt file.

A class that represents an Akinator game. pip install akinator.py The final two—first_guess and guesses— will only be defined when Akinator.win() is called. First is an algorithm that … Akinator.com funktioniert hauptsächlich durch Werbeeinschaltungen. According to the MIT Technology Review, machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in massive amounts of data.
The language parameter can be left as None for English, the default language, or it can be set to one of the following (case-insensitive): You can also put the name of the language spelled out, like spanish, korean, french_animals, etc. Copy PIP instructions, An API wrapper for the online game, Akinator, written in Python, View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery, Tags For all questions relating to advertising please leave us a … class Akinator().