Listen to This American Life podcast for free on We’re usually one of the five top podcasts on iTunes. Consistently ranked #1 Podcast in the US. It is hosted by Ira Glass, produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards. But the more she looked into it, the more she realized she was witnessing something else. Back in 1999, the American Journalism Review declared that the program was  “in the vanguard of a journalistic revolution” and since then, a generation of podcasts and radio shows have sprung up — Radiolab, Invisibilia, StartUp, Reply All, Snap Judgment, Love + Radio, Heavyweight —  building on the lessons we learned about narrative journalism and inventing all sorts of things we never could’ve. 1. 715: Long-Awaited Asteroid Finally Hits Earth. This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. On today's show, the not-often-talked-about realm of licensing boards, and the disturbing decisions they sometimes make. On today’s show, the not-often-talked-about realm of licensing boards, and the disturbing decisions they sometimes make. But sometimes, we encounter one we just can't abide by. In this moment when Americans are tearing down monuments and rethinking how to address the shameful parts of America's past, we return to a story from the early days of our radio show that took that on, in a vivid and complicated way. Discover online now. Stories about people who are worried — or not worried enough! We try things. It’s the last few weeks of summer, so we’re going to the beach! We’re also heard on radio stations in Ireland and Germany, and all across Canada and Australia. This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. In a pitched moment of rule-questioning, a show about rules and the people who break them. An exhaustingly familiar story. We help you dig through the archive. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. In this moment when Americans are tearing down monuments and rethinking how to address the shameful parts of America’s past, we return to a story from the early days of our radio show that took that on, in a vivid and complicated way. If you’re brand new to our show, you might start with the list of episodes our host Ira Glass put together called “New to This American Life?” We’ve been on the air since 1995, so you can also browse through our recommended lists or our entire archive of more than 700 episodes. But those things are notoriously hard to change. 2. Nous avons l'obligation légale de vous informer que notre plateforme utilise des cookies indispensables à son bon fonctionnement.

Stories of people who are tied together, but imagine radically different futures. And sometimes, one bed is the basis for an entire relationship, even for a man who almost never sees the person who shares his bed. In other words, stories! We spend a month at a Jeep dealership on Long Island as they try to make their monthly sales goal: 129 cars. September 6, 2020 • For the holiday weekend, a roadtrip through history. In that case…uh…suck it. This episode spawned another entire program called Planet Money. October 11, 2020 • People tossing words out into the world impulsively, to ignite and burn over decades. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. If they make it, they'll get a huge bonus from the manufacturer, possibly as high as $85,000 — enough to put them in the black for the month. Each season, we investigate the culture of crime in a different city. Animations, music videos, speeches, our live stage shows, and more.
August 2, 2020 • Years ago, producer Chana Joffe-Walt started reporting on one school in New York. Our favorite sorts of stories have compelling people at the center of them, funny moments, big feelings, surprising plot twists, and interesting ideas. Hear the audio that matters most to you. They’ve weathered riots, a drug epidemic, political scandal, and innumerable other hardships, but they’re still here—and they have stories to tell. Hosted by Ira Glass, these weekly short stories are an on demand version of the popular radio show and available in Stitcher's Society & Culture station.