Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet subsp. Leaflets 1 1/2–2 inches long, 2 inches broad, thin, full green, finely veiny. Disclaimer, e-mail: [email protected] Three years later, Verdcourt (1968) again proposed to retypify Dolichos L. this time by D. trilobus L. The committee for Spermatophyta (1970) found this proposal nomenclaturally preferable to the earlier one for the following seasons: (1) the proposed lectotype is one of the original Linnaean species. purpureus and ssp bengalensis were genetically very similar and most of the domesticated material in India belongs either to ssp. Among the three subspecies, ssp. Dolichos Lablab — Lablab Lab lab (l[a^]b l[a^]b), n. Purplish-green or green. Common name - H yacinth bean, Lablab bean, Field bean are some of the common names for Lablab fruit. Miscellaneous: Has attractive flat and curved red or pale green pods. Uses and benefits of Marsh Cudweed – Gnaphalium uliginosum, Health benefits of Herb Robert – Geranium robertianum, Become Sommelier for a Day – Learn How to Taste Wine, Uses and benefits of Teaberry – Gaultheria procumbens. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE], wáákén baìbààyíí = bean of the pagans; a term of contempt (JMD; ZOG) wáákén dànfámíí = fence bean (JMD; ZOG) (NIGERIA, HAUSA), Burkill, H.M. 1985. © 2020 Healthbenefitstimes. Origin - They are known to originate in … The former was further divided into two categories: (a) Dolichos lablab var. [3], Il lablab è coltivata anche come foraggio[4] e pianta ornamentale. English language common names include hyacinth bean, lablab-bean bonavist bean/pea, dolichos bean, seim bean, lablab bean, Egyptian kidney bean, Indian bean, bataw and Australian pea. Hardy biennial. Provide trellis. 3, guangono abrua = the bean for enjoyment (A.Chev; FB) (IVORY COAST, ANYI), Burkill, H.M. 1985. Both pictures Dolichos lablab - Hyacinth bean, and close up of pods by Bcballard. Dolichos albus Lour.. Dolichos benghalensis Jacq.. Dolichos purpureus L.. Glycine lucida Blanco. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. 3, lablab; dolique d’Egypte., Burkill, H.M. 1985. Requirements: Full sunlight. wáákén baìbààyíí = bean of the pagans; a term of contempt ... A common plant throughout tropical Africa and Asia, from whence it has passedinto South America. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE], Filed as Dolichos lablab L. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE], Type of Dolichos lablab var. 3, nalvo (Williams) (THE GAMBIA, MANDING-MANDINKA), Burkill, H.M. 1985. Sometimes, it is also referred to as Lablab niger Medik, seldom though. Floridata ID#: 612 Dolichos lablab Common Name(s): hyacinth bean, lablab bean, bonavista bean, Egyptian bean Botanical Family: Fabaceae, the bean Family Plant Type and Feature Tags: A lablab bean vine screens this porch from the hot afternoon sun while also providing color, fragrance and a hangout for local butterflies and hummingbirds. Name Synonyms Dolichos benghalensis Jacq. ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. The crop was perhaps taken to tropical Africa and since then it might have been distributed to many countries like, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Mainland China, Papua New Guinea, Egypt, Sudan, East and West Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, etc. The young fruits are eaten boiled like common beans or used in curries; immature green seeds are eaten boiled or roasted; leaves, young shoots and inflorescences are eaten boiled. Drought tolerant. Corolla purple or white, the vexillum reflexed, and the long, rostrate carina upturned like that of a Crotalaria. [family FABACEAE], Filed as Dolichos lablab (L.) Sweet. Following last frost. Arhar is the most popular pulse in India. Lablab (Lablab purpureus). Dolichos Lablab — Dolichos Lablab, die sog. Ken Fern, The volume of literature available on … Dolichos blooms with pea like flowers of purple, yellow or white from summer until the first frost of winter. Sow Outside: Cover seeds. Transplant outdoors following the last frost. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE]. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. Vigna aristata Piper Homonyms Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet Common names Antaque in language. It is the only species in the monotypic genus Lablab. Additionally, the wild forms collected from India and analysed through molecular marker studies were found genetically placed intermediate between wild and cultivated forms. albiflorus DC. */. It is native to Africa and it is cultivated throughout the tropics for food. Name Hyacinth beans; Scientific Name: Lablab purpureus: Native: Africa and is cultivated widely in North Africa and Asia for its edible pods. Dolichos are half hardy perennials that are usually grown as half hardy annuals in the garden. Family: Fabaceae / Leguminosae. Sometimes, it is also referred to as Lablab niger Medik, seldom though. Its wild forms are found in India. Dolichos lablab L.Dolichos purpureus L.Lablab niger MedikusLablab lablab (L.) LyonsVigna aristata PiperLablab vulgaris (L.) Savi[1]. : LAVU3: Lablab vulgaris Savi Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Once the seedlings are ready (about 7 or 8 weeks) they can be transplanted into the garden with a spacing of about 60 to 90 cm. ssp uncinatus has been domesticated only in Ethiopia (Magness et al., 1971). (Bot.) The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. (Photo by Christopher Sheahan, USDA-NRCS, Cape May Plant Materials Center) Alternate Names Alternate Common Names: hyacinth bean, hyacinthbean, Still there is a school of thought, which believes in the dual centers of originAfrica and Asia. The egg-shaped leaflet is 3–6 in. However, the committees report also noted: there is already a wellestablished type of the name Dolichos,, namely D. Lablab. General information about Lablab purpureus (DOLLA) Africa south of Sudan, Madagascar, Indian peninsula. A common plant throughout tropical Africa and Asia, from whence it has passedinto South America. The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is a perennial legume.This is one of the most important pulses because of its nutrients value. FRENCH : Dolique d'Egypte, Dolique à écosser, Dolique pourpre du Soudan. Available for Kindle (MOBI), iPad (ePub) and as a PDF. The above part of the leaflet is smooth and shorthaired below. As Hyacinth beans are climbers they will require a trellis fro support when growing. However, the committee for Spermatophyta (1968) rejected the proposal for 3 specified reasons: (1) The species proposed as the type is not one of those originally included by Linnaeus; (2) the illegitimate name Lablab Adanson would need conserving; (3) botanists not agreeing with the segregation of Lablab and other generic splits could not use the name Dolichos L. for the combined genus. (7.5–15 cm) long and widens in the middle. Legume curled along the margin. Il lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), chiamata anche dolico egiziano, è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Fabaceae[2] che è molto usata come pianta alimentare nelle regioni tropicali, come in India. purpureus var. Original drawing from Ruiz & Pavón's Expedition ... Common name. SOUTH AFRICA Port Natal, Drege, Gueinzius, &c. (Herb. They are shrubby climbers that may reach 9 metres in height. Rich soil. Temperature 70°F (21°C). All Rights Reserved. 3, lablab; lablab bean; hyacinth bean (American); bonavist bean; Indian butter bean; Egyptian kidney bean; tutuli bean (Tamale, Ghana, Ll. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Peduncles 10–12 inches long; the rachis flexuous, and subdistantly nodulose, emitting 2 or more flowers from each node. (3) If D. lablab is held to be genetically distinct from Dolichos L. with the type D. trilobus, the name Lablab adons is available. GardenersHQ © 2005-2020 Dean Ravenscroft / Thank you for visiting my gardening site; 2020 - 10 - 20 : Privacy Policy. (Reindirizzamento da Dolichos lablab) Il lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), chiamata anche dolico egiziano, è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Fabaceae che è molto usata come pianta alimentare nelle regioni tropicali, come in India. Ethnic names - Tonga bean (English), pois nourrice (Spanish), banner bean (Caribbean). The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. Linneus (1754) described the species under Dolichos L. Adanson (1763) phrased the name Lablab for Dolichos L. The first of these species combined in Lablab adans was L. niger of Medikus (1787), based on Dolichos lablab L. A new epithet was required as Lablab would be tantonymous. purpureus. Dolichos described in Flora India by Roxburgh (1832) contained seven varieties, of which five were cultivated and the rest were wild. Lablab nigra Medik. He also mentioned the chromosome number of the species as 2n =22 or 24. Flower Details: Purple, white. with D. uniflorus Lam. ENGLISH : Hyacinth bean, Annual hyacinth bean, Cultivated hyacinth bean, Shelling hyacinth bean, Garden lablab. typica, Dolichos purpureus L. CHINESE : Zi hong se bian dou, Zi jia bian dou, Hong jia bian dou, Hei zi bian dou. Note: Lablab is widely used as a pulse and vegetable (its use as a forage is fairly restricted) and has numerous common/vernacular names of which the above-listed are just some. Original drawing from Ruiz & Pavón's Expedition (1777-1816), Original material of Dolichos lablab L. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE], Original material of Dolichos [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE], Type of Lablab javanicus Miq. bengalensis. Symbol Scientific Name; DOLA3: Dolichos lablab L.: LALE7 : Lablab leucocarpos Savi: LANI2: Lablab niger Medik. Entry for DOLICHOS Lablab Linn. If you would like to support this site, please consider, Fruiting plant in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, England, White-flowered form with developing seedpods,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Verdcourt (1980) finally assigned it to monotypic genus Lablab and now widely known as Lablab purpureus L. (Sweet) although some, still, refer to it as Dolichos Lablab. with help from Ajna Fern Leaves are trifoliate and long stemmed. The leaves of the herb are eaten like spinach. Hoshikawa (1981) reported that it was introduced into Japan from China in 1654 where it is called Fujimame and young pods are used as vegetables. Supporting research & education in the biological sciences. bengalensis had linear oblong shaped pods (140mm x 1025mm) and found widely spread in Asia. They will require about two weeks to one month to germinate at a temperature of about 21 degrees Centigrade. Scientific name - Dolichos lablab (Lablab purpureus). Privacy Policy Comments have to be approved before they are shown here. voluble; leaflets broadly ovate or rhomboid, acute, glabrous, membranous; peduncles elongate, interruptedly racemose, many-flowered; calyx bibracteolate, its lower lobes subacute; carina angularly incurved, rostrate; style laterally compressed, subspathulate, equally pubescent; legume tapering at base, broadly scimetar-shaped or subfalcate, the thickened sutures crispulate. The Kirkhouse Trust was set up in September 2000. In 1965, Verdcourt proposed the rejection of Dolichos L. and in its place conservation of Dolichos Lam. Lablab vulgaris Savi Lablab vulgaris var. Dolichos lablab L.. Lablab niger Medik.. Lablab vulgaris (L.) Savi. LABLAB palatable legumes for animals (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet Plant Symbol = LAPU6 Contributed by: USDA NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May, NJ . This was further affirmed by Maass et al. Common names for Dolichos include Hyacinth bean, Lablab, Bonavist and Sarawak bean. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet SYNONYM (S) : Lablab niger Medikus, Dolichos purpureus L., Lablab lablab (L.) Lyons, Dolichos lablab L., Vigna aristata Piper, Lablab vulgaris (L.) Savi.