The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America is smaller than Sibley or Peterson but larger than NatGeo. It includes rare or other speakers outside their normal range.
Also included are maps of where these birds can be found when in the different seasons of the year in North America. I'm not entirely sure which works best as a teacher for one who is trying to learn how to identify birds, but since I'm also a photographer I'm probably partial to photographs.
The newest guide from Don and Lillian Stokes, The Stokes Field Guide to Birds of North America, comes into this yawning anti-void taking the more is more approach, promising to be the most comprehensive photographic guide ever published.
Several of the photos are identical to those from Ted Floyd’s recent Smithsonian Guide, a testimony more to the difficulty of obtaining images of several species rather than anything intentional, but there’s surprisingly little overlap given the massive quantity of photos that made it into the book, a testimony to the explosion of field guide quality images in the wake of the digital photography revolution. Cumbersome. Welcome back. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. So many other places with well established birding cultures have a single guide that is considered to be the one to have. Stokes gives you more calls per bird which is really nice (I didn't realize Downy woodpeckers "chattered", or Great Horned Owls could almost sound like Barn Owls!
Consequently because of cheaper packaging (cardboard, not a jewell box) and no book the price has gone down but frankly I'd rather pay more and get the book!
Subspecies? In addition to the bonus cd of birdsongs that is included with it, this guide does a great job of explaining how to go about identifying birds, what parts to look for, how to measure them, and so on. But for the birder that needs something to take in the field to identify what they see right then and there, we may have reached perfection with the original Peterson’s (once it went full-color and got the maps in the right places, of course) and everything else is just gilding the lily.
ID's 600 birds of North America.
Also tells if the bird is likely to be at your birdfeeder!
That said, the inclusion of all described subspecies and known hybrids is an excellent touch, even if it may not be more than trivial knowledge to the majority of the book’s intended audience. I also liked the inclusion of the ABA Birding codes telling how common or uncommon as the case may be to find each bird. Such thoroughness and attention to detail isn’t free, however.
There’s little to argue with on that count, because by any objective measure the Stokeses have succeeded in creating a field guide that meets or exceeds that lofty standard. This is for serious bird watchers.
There are no discussion topics on this book yet. It's easier to find birds in, has the range maps right on the same page as the photo and other information (one of my pet peeves with some other books is that information is spread over several pages).
livre broché souple en format poche datant de 1996 décrivant les espèces nord-américaines; existe en deux tomes (est ou ouest); après 25 pages de généralités, l'ouvrage accorde à chaque espèce une page entière comprenant une ou plusieurs photos couleur occupant la moitié supérieure, une fiche systématisée avec une petite carte de répartition en bas; si je devais emporter un guide ornitho aux usa (côte est ou ouest), c'est lui que je prendrais; il concilie le caractère exhaustif, les fiches relativement détaillées, les cartes de répartition et les photos correctes, et enfin l'accès facile par codes couleur; bien sûr on pourrait préférer les dessins plus propices à l'identification de certains guides; si vous pouvez vous le procurer d'occasion, n'hésitez pas, foncez!
Peterson'. If I recall, and someone might say I don't, the birds are not identified in the sound recording, so you have be use the book and the CDs at the same time. This guide shows whenever possible photos of not just adults, but also the males and females when they differ as well as photos of the juveniles, winter and summer plumages, flying and perched, 1st year, 2nd year, etc. Very detailed. The cost is paid in size. I keep it in the truck for quick reference, all photos, pretty good.
October 25th 2010
The CDs have lots of real good recordings of bird calls but as a reference for looking up sounds it is difficult to use.
Reflecting years of research and observation of North American birds, the Stokes Field Guide includes more species, photos and useful identification information for birdwatchers than any other guide.
Unless future editions split east and west asunder this is hardly the type of book anyone is going to take into the field. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition.
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2015. Great recordings BUT no printed guide to identify the CD tracks! Reviewed in the United States on June 24, 2018.
P.O. 4.7 out of 5 stars 494. Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2014.
A good photographic guide to the birds of North America. I really appreciate the songs recorded in this set, BUT there was no printed information included to indicate what tracks were playing what birds.
Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region. Great guide too have handy when bird watching!
There’s nothing inherently wrong about that, and in fact, I’m one who generally believes that more is better when it comes to information, but birders in North America will have to figure out what works for them.
Then I copied to that directory all the birds that I've visually identified in the neighborhood so I can work on learning those to start. Special offers and product promotions. Then try Stokes.
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It even has the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, probably because someone thought they saw one a few years ago. Reflecting years of research and observation of North American birds, the. This Stokes guide is good for supplementing what you learn from the Petersons. We have at least four other bird books and this is the one we always turn to (NOTE: we don't have the Sibley's that I've also heard is really good, so can't compare it to that).
Paperback. The success of a field guide stands or falls with the quality of its photos (or illustrations if that’s what floats your boat) and, like so many of the photo guides coming out these days, the ones picked to flesh out this guide are stunning, many of them from Lillian Stokes own extensive collection, and laid out to great effect. Rarity codes?
But what really makes this book a must have is the photographs that are included in it. I've copied them to my PDA and MP3 player as well to play in the car and sitting at appointments and such.
$6.70. If you prefer photos, you’re still in luck.
It goes without saying that birders in North America have a wealth of choices when it comes to field guides.