Type some text in the description box. If you made storymaps a very long time ago and have not used the tool since, we may need to ask you to give us permission to read from your Google Drive to "migrate" your old projects. Dates can the year alone, month alone, day alone, or any combination... all three are not required. This user type is ideal for people who solely want to make stories by embedding shared ArcGIS content from their organization or by creating their own express maps. Once you have uploaded the photo, and returned to the Tour Introduction editing page, a small version of the photo should appear there. Transform the look and feel of your story and maps with the click of a button. It will look like the screenshot below. Don’t worry if you don’t get the location exactly correct the first time, you can always drag the marker to move it and reset the view later. If you are using Chrome as your browser, your tour will be redirected to the Google Earth Web. Click on Change Icon to see the options, and choose an icon from the available list. On the left, find the blue + Add Location button and click it to start a new location. Now search for “Bournemouth, UK”. The About button will take you to a page which answers frequently asked questions about Tour Builder, including some background on the product, answers to technical questions, and a link to provide feedback. Let’s add a photo to the introduction page. 1-800-447-9778 You can click it occasionally while you are editing, to save your work. To go to the first location, simply click on the Next button at the bottom of the content area. You can either search for a location or manually drop a placemark on the map. This story map was created with the Story Map Cascade application in ArcGIS Online. “Hub 2D” - The locations are all connected to the first location in a hub and spoke pattern, with the first location as the hub, and the other locations connected to it with flat lines on the surface of the earth. Give storytellers in your organization the ability to create beautiful digital narratives using ArcGIS StoryMaps with the new Storyteller user type. It does not work well for stories that need to jump around in the map. Any overlays you set in the Tour Introduction will be shown throughout the entire tour, and any overlays you set for a location will be shown for that location. The Way Back is a tunnel that leads to the Planet. If you want to be able to edit a tour with a team of people, we recommend that you create the tour with a shared account, which everyone can sign into, but make sure only one person edits at a time, or you risk overwriting eachothers changes. Impress your audience with polished, professional-looking content that demonstrates your visual storytelling skills. You can change the visual style of your map with a few presets, or you can use Mapbox to create your own style. This is a great way to visualize your Tour Builder project in the compelling 3D perspectives of Google Earth Web, and to allow people to explore the content of your Tour in the Google Earth interface. Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Dailymotion, Google Maps, Wikipedia, SoundCloud, Document Cloud and more! Clicking Delete will delete your entire tour… be careful! We’ll use the photo: jane_peak.jpg from the zip file of content which you downloaded in the Before You Begin section above. You can change the visual style of your map with a few presets, or you can use Mapbox to create your own style. Tour Builder will automatically save your work from time to time, but if you make a major change and don’t want to risk losing it, just click Save Now. To zoom in, you can double-click anywhere on the map, or double-right-click to zoom out. The first page you will see is the Tour Builder homepage. If you searched for a location, the name will probably already be in the Location name box, but you can edit it if you wish. Using the techniques described above, navigate to a nice view. Just to the right of the list is the tour’s introduction content, including the title, description, and photos. Add a slide for each place in your story. When your Tour Builder project is opened Google Earth Web you have the ability to edit and explore your tour much like you can in Tour Builder. Export will provide you with the options of downloading your map as a KML or a CSV file. In the Introduction description box, type (or copy/paste) something like: Gombe National Park is where Jane Goodall did much of her research, and showed that chimpanzees know how to make and use tools, like humans do. If you have trouble finding the video via search, you can also add the video directly by URL: http://youtu.be/CNXv8EEs0P8. Now that you have a complete tour, you can start to share it with others. Tour Builder will automatically save, but you can always click the Save Now button in the upper right, just to be safe. Save failed, you already have an item with this title. Once you click the button it will tell you when the tour was last saved. She started the Jane Goodall Institute, which works for Chimpanzee conservation across Africa. To do this, you would click the Drop Placemark button, then click the location you want on the map, then click the blue Add to Tour button. Simply zoom in further to see more detail, or zoom out and pan around to see the surrounding areas and get better understanding of the location and the context of the places around it. These will show as the title of the tour and the byline under the title wherever the tour is listed. A story can effect change, influence opinion, and create awareness—and maps are an integral part of storytelling. Try searching for a few locations to see how it works. The stories of the people. Don’t worry your tour is completely private until you decide to share it with others. On the left is a vertical list of cards representing the locations on the tour, with the Introduction at the top of the list, selected in red. 'Set the Location Name to: “Chimpanzee Conservation”'. If you have feedback about Tour Builder, including issues you've encountered or suggestions for the product, click the Feedback link at the bottom of the Tour Builder homepage. Click these arrows to scroll through the available photos and videos. If you are confident you have found a bug, please report it as a GitHub issue. The Path Color lets you select the color of the lines connecting your tour’s locations on the map. We will walk you through it and help you tell a short story by taking your viewers to several locations and adding some description text, photos and videos. We don't have your name or G-mail address. But let’s try all of the options, so that you’re familiar with them. The art of storytelling is at your fingertips. The Home button looks like a small house, and is available in the upper left on most Tour Builder pages. The Create a New Tour section of this tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a tour. For each location, you can give it a name, photos and/or videos, some descriptive text, and a number of other details. The video above shows how JGI uses Google mapping tools. Can you find the location called “Hurricane Sandy”, which has a placemark near New York City? To keep it simple for most users, we've made some assumptions in the authoring tool which may not universally apply. Keep it short. First the image must be in the public folder. Explore this helpful guide for authors transitioning from Esri's classic storytelling templates. Hansel and Gretel dropped bread crumbs to find their way back home. The blue View A Tour button on the homepage will open a featured example tour for you to explore. Need help? To go to the third location, let’s try using the map. This should load Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay Highlights: Slide 5. Zooming in and out of the map is a great way to explore a Tour’s locations and their context to one another. Clicking Preview will show you the tour as a user would see it, in view-only mode. Tell the kind of story you want to tell and make an impact on your audience members wherever they are. Brightwell sketched maps leading away from a home that wasn’t one. You can tell stories with large photographs, works of art, historic maps, and other image files. (United States). Click the + Add Location button on the left to add a new location. Change the Location Name to: “The Chimps of Gombe”, Add the first chimpanzee photo to this location: chimps_fishing_for_termites.jpg. Add your image or video. When the map flies you to Bournemouth, mouse over the search result and click the blue Add to Tour button to add this location to the tour. Or add text, photos, and videos to your existing ArcGIS web maps and web scenes to create an interactive narrative that's easy to publish and share. Now click the Next button, or the first location “Jane’s Home” and watch the map fly in to that location. Tour_Builder_JGI_sample_content.zip (530k Zip file). Join a cultural guide for a memorable 1.8km Bundian Way Story Trail experience in Eden, NSW. This is useful for when your tour is complete and you’re ready to share it on your website, blog, or social media. Be aware that switching back and forth between editing within and outside the authoring tool can get messy, so we suggest using our advanced method to have maximum control over the zoom feature and more.