Pierre's lip was completely insubordinate, and it was obvious he'd never worked for Dusty. And while the polemical motive is obvious, and the argument from prophecy against the legitimacy of a non-Davidic dynasty is quite in the manner of the scribes, the spirit of theocratic fervour which inspires the picture of the Messiah is broader and deeper than their narrow legalism. How to use obvious in a sentence. Join our early testers! Calling the weight of the empty vessel w, when filled with the liquid W, and when filled with the standard substance W l, it is obvious that W - w, and W1 - w, are the weights of equal volumes of the liquid and standard, and hence the relative density is (W - w)/(Wi - w). The results of modern critical methods could not fail to make the incompleteness of the " Received Text," and of the " Authorized Version," which was based on it, obvious. They were recorded in the comparatively late surviving version of the 7th century B.C., on twelve tablets, with an obvious design of correlation with the twelve divisions of the sun's annual course. His face was drawn and pale, and it was obvious that his coordination wasn't very good. So also obvious imitations, especially in a highly imitative literature such as Latin poetry. ? Reverting to jeans and T-shirt for working was an obvious change, but the change inside gave her a peace she had forgotten existed. Weller looked as if the answer should have been obvious. Examples of obvious difference in a sentence, how to use it. The improvement may be discerned by a skilful critic in the Journey to the Hebrides, and in the Lives of the Poets is so obvious that it cannot escape the notice of the most careless reader. An obvious and true structure is always pleasant. So...good luck figuring that out.”, “Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. The first is most obvious in the scenes of quiet description and emotion in whose presentation he particularly excels. In a few cases, such as the West, the Beginning of the East, it is obvious that the names are derived solely from their geographical situation. To begin with, it is obvious that the number of sacraments must vary according to the criterions we use of what constitutes a sacrament. relating to or being a people who are the original, earliest known inhabitants of a region, or are their descendants. Obviously he was still struggling with it. The most frequent motive is the removal of some difficulty in the sense, expression or metre of the text, and especially obvious gaps or corruptions which the interpolator endeavours to fill or to heal. A paraconformity is a type of disconformity in which the separation is a simple bedding plane with no obvious buried erosional surface. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 262. The possibility was obvious of combating the radical and nationalist revolution by means of the army, with its spirit of comradeship in arms and its imperialist tradition. Her obvious popularity made me feel inferior. This was less obvious in his domestic than in his foreign policy, though perhaps equally present. Connectives are words which link or join up ideas to build compound or complex sentences Mrs Large ran a deep, hot bath. The most obvious direction in which this could be sought was in Bavaria, ruled by the decadent house of Wittelsbach, the secular rival of the house of Habsburg in southern Germany. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? When we consider, however, the great variability in those surroundings and the consequent changes a plant must encounter, it appears obvious that interaction ~nd adjustment between the plant and its environment must be constant and well balanced. It is natural that little should be said of so obvious a practice until the fuller development of ritual in a later age. The ignorant populace, for whom the promised social millennium had by no means dawned, saw in an attitude seemingly so inconsistent obvious proof of corrupt motives, and there were plenty of prophets of misrule to encourage the delusion - orators of the clubs and the street corners, for whom the restoration of order would have meant well-deserved obscurity. Kris felt the intent gazes of both of his deputies, who left the obvious unvoiced. On reaching the age of Akhenaton, the peculiar style of that school is obvious in every relief; the older conventions were deserted, and, for good or for bad, a new start from nature was attempted. The latter, besides its more obvious advantages, speedily freed large tracts of country from stagnant water and their inhabitants from ague, and prepared the way for the underground draining which soon after began to be practised. 1. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. 2. It is obvious that no inquiry into commercial policy, or into such social questions as the housing of the poor, can be effective unless this deficiency is remedied. The valuable editions of the Old Testament by Baer and Delitzsch, and by Ginsburg, contain critical texts of the Jewish interpretation of Scripture, and therefore necessarily uncritical texts of the Hebrew Old Testament itself: it lies entirely outside their scope to give or even to consider the evidence which exists for correcting the obvious errors in the text of the Old Testament as received and perpetuated by the Jewish interpreters. The XVIIItlz-XXth Dynasties.The obvious, not to say superficial, character of this age has rendered it one of the most popular in Egyptian art. “Bean finds the best apple in our tree and hands it up to me. Now it is obvious that the results obtained by the foregoing analysis of J and E have an important bearing on the history of the remaining section of E's legislation, viz. England and Spain, Venetian and Foreign (1558-1559), p. 5 2 5 (an account full of obvious errors); Cotton MSS. Despite the obvious ongoing problems with disease and access to basics, the future of Africa is bright. It was obvious he had something on his mind. His remark about how she looked in the swimsuit made it obvious that he saw her as something more than a baby sitter or maid. His style is, however, often barbarous; and the obvious S cholia. But though reaction was the motive power of this new machinery of government, it could not do away with many of the practical and obvious improvements of 1848, and it was not blind to some of the indispensable requirements of a. This star was seen to possess an apparent motion similar to that which would be a consequence of the nutation of the earth's axis; but since its declination varied only one half as much as in the case of y Draconis, it was obvious that nutation did not supply the requisite solution. These were the obvious channels of Russian colonization. It will be evident even from this rapid sketch, necessarily confined to a few of the most cardinal points, that Hebrew prophecy is not a thing that can be defined and reduced to a formula, but was a living institution which can only be understood by studying its growth and observing its connexion with the historical movements with which its various manifestations were bound up. The conflicts of the opposing schools, and the obvious deficiencies of each, led many physicians to try and combine the valuable parts of each system, and to call themselves eclectics. 5. “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”, “I figured something out. We Asked, You Answered. 3. are essentially nervous. Astute and Witty Essays on the Role of Women in Society. Taking Syria as the strip limited by the sea, the edge of the Hamad, the Taurus and the Sinaitic desert, we have a remarkably homogeneous geographical area with very obvious natural boundaries; but these, for various reasons, have proved very Scale, 1:7.soo.000. Alex was an obvious six-year-old with two missing front teeth. You're the grand bloody panjandrum of the painfully bleeding obvious.”, “If you can't see the obvious then you must not be looking then.”, “Considering obvious because it's obvious is obviously not an accurate prediction for the future, when time change we should too.”, “Approach everyone in a silent mysterious manner so they cannot easily define you. Between loss and delay the spinner found an obvious alternative in damping the yarn artificially. In the case of the architectural remains, the Greek tradition is obvious at Hatra (Jacquerel, Rev. It is obvious that both these investigators had the genius for recognizing and interpreting the value of characters; but their labours do not seem to have met with much encouragement; and a general arrangement of the class laid by Blyth before the Zoological Society at this time 1 does not appear in its publications. In the case of the telescope we have to deal with a linear measure of aperture and an angular limit of resolution, whereas in the case of the microscope the limit of resolution is linear, and it is expressed in terms of angular aperture. To see if his students were listening, Dr. Toldwell posed a simple question with an obvious … Both innate and superimposed variations are capable of division into those which are more and those which are less obvious to the human eye. But it was obvious that a permanent coalition could not be expected unless some definite understanding on the debated point could be attained; and on the very same day the landgrave despatched to Zwingli an invitation to a colloquy, and received his prompt acquiescence. The murder of the dramatist Kotzebue, as an agent of this reaction, in the following year, by a fanatical student named Karl Sand, clinched the matter; it became obvious to the governments that a policy of rigorous repression was necessary if a fresh revolution were to be avoided. They contain denunciations attributed to our Lord and assigned - with obvious injustice in some cases - to the scribes of this sect. He retained his intellectual lucidity and an absolute command of his faculties to the last, reading Shakespeare with obvious appreciation until within a few hours of his death. Such obvious features as the number of segments in the foot and the shape of the feeler were used by the early entomologists for distinguishing the great groups of beetles. In post-mortem examination, the most obvious pathological lesion is hypertrophy of the spleen, which may be very pronounced; the lymphatic glands in the neck, inguinal region, &c., are also often greatly swollen. characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction. He groaned and slapped his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something, 25. obvious example sentences. Since the day they met, one thing had been obvious to her. Gently laying Cynthia on his bed, he tried to revive her but it was obvious she would be in the land of dreams for quite some time. - The liturgical vestments of the Catholic Church, East and West, are not, as was at one time commonly supposed, borrowed from the sacerdotal ornaments of the Jewish ritual, although the obvious analogies of this ritual doubtless to a certain extent determined their sacral character; they were developed independently out of the various articles of everyday dress worn by citizens of the Graeco-Roman world under the Empire.