It has a stout body with large eyes and heavily keeled scales (Collins 1987). This snake may be found in environs ranging from forest to grassy fields or pastureland, and may utilize a wide variety of wetlands and riparian habitats.
The dekay’s brown snake eats insects, earthworms, and small tree frogs. Dekay's Brownsnake (Formerly Brown Snake) NONVENOMOUS Scientific Name: Storeria dekayi Family: Natricidae Return to Snake Identification. Newborn brown snakes have a yellow or cream-colored ring around the neck. The belly of the brown snake is a pinkish white color.
Distribution And Habitat.
This common brown snake likes to live in the surface litter (like leaves) of many habitats. DeKay's brownsnake Storeria dekayi.
Northern Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi dekayi) is a widespread snake of modest size, able to survive in a wide range of habitat conditions. Storeria dekayi is typically found to be a grayish brown color with a lighter streak on its back that is bordered on each side with black dots.
The brown snake is a fairly small snake that rarely exceeds 15 inches in length (Ditmars 1936). Dekay’s brown snakes are secretive, preferring to stay under cover such as leaf litter and logs. You can find it in oak savannas, prairies, southern lowland hardwoods, marshes, old field, and under trash in vacant city lots.. Slugs, earthworms and snails are the preferred food of this common Wisconsin snake. In the Piedmont this species can be found in a variety of woodland habitats. In extreme southern Georgia and Florida, brown snakes are replaced by the closely-related Florida brown snake (Storeria victa). HARMLESS Description: This small snake is usually gray or brown, with two parallel rows of small blotches that run down the length of its back.
Range and Habitat: Brown snakes are found throughout the eastern US, but are absent from high elevations in the mountains.
They are a somewhat cold-tolerant species and begin hibernation in October or November. DeKay's Brownsnake Habitat Range.
They are out in the day, but will become nocturnal in very warm weather.
Description & Size. The scales are keeled and its belly can be brown, pink, or light yellow.