This book focuses solely on the ‘analytics’ that power your email marketing optimization program and will help you dramatically reduce your cost per acquisition and increase marketing ROI by tracking the performance of the various KPIs and metrics used for email marketing. Step-10: You will now be shown the code for installing Google Tag Manager: The part of the GTM container tag code which reads ‘GTM-TPWNQCM’, it is called the container ID. It will teach you how to leverage the knowledge of attribution modelling in order to allocate marketing budget and understand buying behaviour. Google Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app. For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page. At a high level, the steps are: Create an account, or use an existing account, at If you do not have a Google account then you can create one by using this link: Resource representations. He was nominated for the Digital Analytics Association's Awards for Excellence. Note (1): You need a Google account in order to create a GTM account. Subscribe below to be alerted to new iProspect blog posts. A Data Layer variable 3. The MonsterInsights plugin is the better choice if you’re after an easier alternative to set up Google … The tracking code is created and then a ‘rule’ is set up so that the tracking code fires on a certain page or when a certain element within the page is interacted with (e.g. Fourth Source © 2020. With Google Tag Manager, you can deploy various types of tracking code on your site, including Google Analytics. At iProspect, we have been using multiple vendors for container tags since 2010. Using this the container code can appear just after the opening body tag, thus Webmaster Tools verification using Tag Manager option will work Added: blacklist or whitelist tags and macros to increase security of your Tag Manager setup 1. What Are Businesses Spending on Digital Marketing? It also allows you to input in custom HTML tags and custom Image Tags. It will search the Google Tag Manager database located in the cloud. Under "Admin" by selecting your container and clicking "Install Google Tag Manager" To pass static values from a website into Google Analytics Custom Dimensions using the data layer, what must be set up? A container tag is a code snippet used in web development that removes the need for multiple data tracking codes being placed directly on the site. Step-6: Enter the name of your container after your website name and then select ‘Web‘ (provided you want to use the Google Tag Manager on a website and not on a mobile app). Different types of media use different tools to track volume and conversions. 1. Install the Google Tag Manager container snippet. Any of these tags can be modified or removed through the interface at any time and new tags can be added. Each of these types of tools has their own JavaScript codes that are placed on a site. So if your website name is ‘’ then your container name should be ‘’: Step-8: Read the Google Tag Manager Terms of Service Agreement and then click on the ‘Yes’ button: Step-9: If you do business in the European Economic Area then you would first need to read and accept the Data Processing Terms as required by GDPR before you can accept the GTM Terms of Service Agreement. For information about how users create and maintain containers, see Setup and Workflow. For example, the onsite tracking may be a tool like Google Analytics, or Webtrends. The custom HTML tag can include HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, and can be used to fire non-Google vendors, like Webtrends (as long as the Webtrends version is the asynchronous). He is the author of four best-selling books on analytics and conversion optimization: Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.