Great white sharks live in all coastal temperate waters around the world. This means they can sense the smell of blood from nearly 5km away! While this unique population of great whites spends about half of the year around these sites, they make impressive migrations far offshore near the Pacific Gyre, fondly called the “white shark café” as researchers think they make the trek there to feed or breed., Protect our Oceans and Fisheries Progress. Kate Mara says it’s time to get deadly drift gillnets out of the water, and help save the whales. We have already protected nearly 4 million square miles of ocean and innumerable sea life - but there is still more to be done. Follow the tracks of these great whites at Tagging of Pacific Predators or download the shark net app to your iPhone. A great way to get involved in protecting #oceans: Join Oceana as a Wavemaker & sound off on important issues! One of the densest-known populations is found around Dyer Island, South Africa. Great white sharks are globally distributed with concentrations near South Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the North Atlantic, and Northeastern Pacific. They dwell waters as deep as 300 meters usually but can reach up to 1200 meters in the zones illustrated. Many great white sharks have been marked with satellite tags so researchers can continually monitor their movements. However, the great white sharks off the U.S. West Coast are an isolated population that reside off California and also include individuals off Guadalupe Island, located 150 miles off the west coast of Baja California, Mexico. Add your name now before more whales lose their lives in these indiscriminate nets. Great white sharks are found in oceans in all parts of the world. However, the great white sharks off the U.S. West Coast are an isolated population that reside off California and also include individuals off Guadalupe Island, located 150 miles off the west coast of Baja California, Mexico. Sign up today to get weekly updates and alerts from Oceana. As it can bee seen the east and west US coast, the golf coast, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, the Mediterranean Sea, West Africa, Japan and East China. Wondering where are the best places to see Great White Sharks in the wild? South Africa is a very common destination for travelers to see Great White Sharks in the wild. Curious where West Coast great white sharks are now? Getting bitten by a shark is much less common than is often believed: According to the International Wildlife Museum, the chances are one in … To a lesser extent, these great whites also migrate to the Hawaiian archipelago, though scientists are only beginning to understand the motives behind these long migrations. Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean including Sea of Marmara and Bosphorus. Great white sharks are globally distributed with concentrations near South Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the North Atlantic, and Northeastern Pacific. Great Whites have an insanely good sense of smell. Seismic airgun blasting threatens marine life, coastal communities and local economies. Sign up today to get weekly updates and action alerts from Oceana. There are a number of tour operators that run tours, … For more Great White Shark Facts, visit our Fast Facts page.