Examples of Haworthia succulents:Haworthia cooperi[Leaf & Clay]Haworthia cymbiformis obtusa[Leaf & Clay]Haworthia limifolia Twister[Succulents Box]Haworthia venosa tessellata[Leaf & Clay], Related posts:14 Haworthia types, care and propagation. Examples of Fenestaria succulents:Fenestraria rhopalophylla[Planet Desert]Fenestraria aurantiaca[Leaf & Clay]. What is really interesting that at the beginning the colour of the flowers is whitish or greenish not lilac or purple. leaves are linear to ovate, often with dull purple dots. The name for the genus comes from the Greek words “graptos”, meaning “marked” or “inscribed” and “petalon”, meaning “petals” for the markings on the flower petals of many of the species.
Peperomia (radiator plant) is one of the two large genera of the family Piperaceae, with more than 1000 recorded species. The species of this varied genus typically grow as dense cushions or mats.
They are native to southern Africa. Examples of Cheiridopsis succulents:Cheiridopsis candidissima ‘Lobster Claws' [Leaf & Clay]Cheiridopsis cigarettifera[Planet Desert]Cheiridopsis pillansii[Planet Desert]Cheiridopsis speciosa[Planet Desert].
Cephalophyllum is a genus of flowering plants from the ice plant family Aizoaceae. Examples of Tavaresia succulents:Tavaresia angolensis[BahamutC @Flickr]Tavaresia barklyi[hydrosuccess @Flickr]Tavaresia grandiflora[Tomás @Flickr]Tavaresia meintjesii[SkolnikC @Flickr]. The way that leaves grow on stems is called phyllotaxis in botanical terms.
Avonia is a genus of succulent plant in the Portulacaceae family. Its leaves are succulent and end in a circle of stiff hairs, giving the plant a similar appearance to some species in the cactus genus Mammillaria. Albuca is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae. The plant is named for the sac-like shape of its flowers, which are supposed to resemble a stomach.
Examples of Umbilicus succulents:Umbilicus horizontalis[Francesco R @Flickr]Umbilicus intermedius[ron [email protected]]Umbilicus oppositifolius[HEN-Magonza @Flickr]Umbilicus rupestris[Gillian @Flickr]. When present, these small hairs help plants capture water and nutrients and transport them to the root zone.Rosularia chrysantha[NoraG @Fotki]Rosularia platyphylla[Succulents Box]Rosularia sedoides[NoraG @Fotki]Rosularia serpentinica[NoraG @Fotki]. Dinteranthus is an intriguing solitary or clumping plant with attractive bodies and flowers that is very similar to Lithops in shape and colours but with no apparent dormant period. It is named after the wife Astrid of the German botanist and archaeologist Gustav Schwantes (1881 – 1960). Stapelia is a genus of low-growing, spineless, stem succulent plants, predominantly from South Africa with a few from other parts of Africa.
Examples of Argyroderma succulents:Argyroderma crateriforme[Grootscholten @Fotki]Argyroderma fissum[tonyrebelo]Argyroderma gifberg[Planet Desert]Argyroderma pearsonni[Succulents Box]. Braunsia is a genus of flowering succulent plants in the iceplant family Aizoaceae from the southwestern part of the Western Cape Province in South Africa. Examples of Trichodiadema succulents:Trichodiadema bulbosum[PanosS @Fotki]Trichodiadema densum[JimM @Flickr]Trichodiadema hallii[AdEn @Flickr]Trichodiadema marlothii. Before looking at how to tell apart species of trees by the shape of their leaves, let’s look at how leaves grow on stems. From the green stem, a series of triangular, succulent (as well as the stem, the rest) and elongated leaves come out. Examples of Agave succulents:Agave blue glow[Planet Desert]Agave lophantha quadricolor[Leaf & Clay]Maguey Chato Agave[Succulents Box]Agave Victoria Reginae[Planet Desert], Related Posts:12 Varieties and Types of Agave Plants. Examples of Carruanthus succulents:Carruanthus peersii[eldiaderosa @Flickr]Carruanthus ringens[Luis BG @Flickr]. ). finally able to identify a couple of my plants i have been wondering about. Examples of Cotyledon succulents:Cotyledon orbiculata flanaganii[Succulents Box]Cotyledon pendens[Leaf & Clay]Cotyledon tomentosa[Planet Desert]Cotyledon orbiculata oophylla[[email protected]]. Senecio is a genus of succulent plant in the family Asteraceae. They can resist high temperatures and direct sunlight, but prefer shade. Don’t forget to bookmark the entire slideshow of all 76 leaves (there are too many to fit into one post! Known globally as African starfish flowers, and locally as carrion flowers, members of the genus Stapelia are usually characterised by their foul-smelling flowers reminiscent of the odour of rotting meat. x Graptosedum are succulent plants that are hybrid crosses between Graptopetalum and Sedum. Examples of Juttadinteria succulents:Juttadinteria albata[Grootscholten @Fotki]Juttadinteria deserticola[Rare Cactus]Juttadinteria kovisimontana[Succulent Guide]Juttadinteria simpsonii[earth.com]. There are around 19 species in this genus. Plants in the genus Anacampseros are perennial. The key features to note when identifying a succulent are its color, leaf shape, leaf size, and overall shape. Most Aloinopsis are winter growers and can react badly to too much water at the wrong time. Example of Jensenobotrya succulent:Jensenobotrya lossowiana[Grootscholten @Fotki]. Titanopsis is a genus of about 10 species of succulent plants of the family Aizoaceae, indigenous to the arid regions of South Africa and Namibia. Glottiphyllum is a genus of about 57 species of succulent subtropical plants of the family Aizoaceae. Examples of Dudleya succulents:Dudleya anthonyi[Christian D @Flickr]Dudleya palmeri[Annie's A @Flickr]Dudleya stolonifera[Mat L @Flickr]Dudleya brittonii[[email protected]], Dyckia is a genus of plants in the family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Pitcairnioideae. Aptenia is a small genus of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae.
The flowers are five-lobed, usually somewhat more funnel- or bell-shaped than in the closely related genus Stapelia, and often striped vividly in contrasting colors or tones, some glossy, others matte and wrinkled depending on the species concerned. Read also: 1,000 Types of Cactuses with Pictures. Oscularia is a genus of succulent flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae, native to semi-arid and rocky habitats in the Western Cape of South Africa. There are only 4 species of Aptenia succulents. Here are over 1,000 types of succulents with pictures for succulent identification, separated by their genera. Mostly from Southern Africa, they also occur throughout the drier parts of Africa as far north as the Arabian peninsula. [Source: Wikipedia], Examples of Dyckia succulents:Dyckia alba[Luiz FV @Flickr]Dyckia brevifolia[Artem H @Flickr]Dyckia marnier-lapostollei[Planet Desert]Dyckia platyphylla[Planet Desert]. At the apex of each alternating section is a ring of small bristles radiating around the center, that give the appearance of a cactus areola. Examples of Xerosicyos succulents:Xerosicyos danguyi[k8tron @Flickr]Xerosicyos decaryi[Carmen @Flickr]Xerosicyos perrieri[Flora.mania @Flickr], Sources:https://en.wikipedia.org/http://www.theplantlist.org/http://pza.sanbi.org/https://www.succulentguide.com/http://www.llifle.com/https://www.giromagicactusandsucculents.com/http://www.lithops.info/http://pza.sanbi.org/. Umbilicus is a genus of over ninety species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae. Examples of Pachyphytum succulents:Pachyphytum compactum[Mat L @Flickr]Pachyphytum hookeri[ecos @Flickr]Pachyphytum longifolium[Mat L @Flickr]Pachyphytum oviferum[Succulents Box].
The genus Bergeranthus is a member of the Aizoaceae family, in the major group Angiosperms (flowering plants). Because of their appeareance, many Euphorbia succulents have been mistaken for cactus. Eight species occur in China. Argyroderma is a genus of flowering succulent plants in the iceplant family Aizoaceae from South Africa. They are succulent perennials forming mats composed of tufted leaves in rosettes. Examples of Monanthes succulents:Monanthes brachycaulos[Nessy apprentie @Flickr]Monanthes muralis[Flickr]Monanthes pallens[Nessy apprentie @Flickr]Monanthes polyphylla[alloe. Euphorbia is a very large and diverse genus of flowering plants, commonly called spurge, in the spurge family. The stem arrangement is alternate, forming a crowded cauline rosette. Odontophorus is a genus of succulent plants in the family Aizoaceae. Frithia is a genus of succulent plant in family Aizoaceae, indigenous to several small rocky areas in the vicinity of Gauteng Province, South Africa. Lapidaria is a monotypic genus of dwarf succulent plants in the family Aizoaceae.
Read also:1,000 Types of Cactuses with Pictures. Examples of Trachyandra is a genus of plant in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae, first described as a genus in 1843. Examples of Prenia succulents:Prenia pallens[Martin [email protected]]Prenia relaxata[Consultaplantas @wikimedia]Prenia sladenianahanzrobo @Flickr]Prenia vanrensburgii[adriaan_g].
The strong carrion scent is sometimes recognisable at a great distance, especially on hot afternoons. Orbea is a genus of flowering plants of the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1812.
It is a small genus of 10 species that all occur in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Examples of Graptopetalum succulents:Graptopetalum pachyphyllum[Mat L @Flickr]Graptopetalum amethystinum[Succulents Box]Graptopetalum paraguayense[Leaf & Clay]Graptopetalum superbum[Leaf & Clay]. Examples of Lithops succulents:Lithops aucampiae[Leaf & Clay]Lithops lesliei albinaca[Leaf & Clay]Lithops olivacea[Flandre [email protected]]Lithops salicola[Leaf & Clay]. Examples of Aloinopsis succulents:Aloinopsis luckhoffii[Leaf & Clay]Aloinopsis malherbei[Planet Desert]Aloinopsis rosulatum[Planet Desert]Aloinopsis schooneesii[Leaf & Clay].
While most of them are native to the Canary Islands, some are found in Madeira, Morocco, and in East Africa (for example in the Semien Mountains of Ethiopia).
In addition, if not removed, the shed leaves may decay, harboring fungus that can then infect the plant.
These are succulent subshrubs growing from a system of fibrous, often fleshy roots. × Cremnosedum is a hybrid genus produced from crosses involving the genera Cremnophila and Sedum. The petals are fused into a tube, in a similar way to some related genera such as Cotyledon. The inflorescence is a dense panicle up to 10–15 cm with whitish flowers and red-tipped petals.Sinocrassula densirosulata[A.sun @Flickr]Sinocrassula indica[camilia]Sinocrassula yunnanensis[Cindy C @Flickr].
The key features to note when identifying a succulent are its color, leaf shape, leaf size, and overall shape. Rosularia is a small genus of the family Crassulaceae. Examples of Conophytum succulents:Conophytum calculus[cactusjohn @Flickr]Conophytum corniferum[jeffs [email protected]]Conophytum flavum[Sylvain [email protected]]Conophytum friedrichiae triebneri[Succulents [email protected]].
Commonly called “Baby Toes”, Fenestaria has small club-shaped leaves with fenestrate ends and form large clumps by offsetting. The genus Bijlia is restricted to the Little Karoo in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Its sunken growth form is understood as a development parallel to that in Lithops.