Read 583 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Leo Lionni Leo Lionni is the author of books such as Frederick. Pantheon, New York, 1975, renewed January 1, 2004, A Color of His Own. Leo Lionni's 123: A Lift-the-Flap Counting Book Leo Lionni | 2035/1/1 ボードブック ¥1,023 ¥1,023 ¥1,089 ¥1,089 10ポイント(1%) 「予約商品の価格保証」対象商品。 通常配送料無料 ただいま予約受付中です。 Leo Lionni … Pantheon, New York, 1973, renewed 2001, Pezzettino. Leo Lionni Books in the Classroom - The Curriculum Corner 123. Books for children of all ages, Little Blue and Little Yellow. This lesson focuses on Leo Lionni's book An Extraordinary Egg.This lesson can go along with animals that lay eggs during science. Let's Play. Astor-Honor, New York,1961, renewed 1989 The Works of Leo Lionni Books for children of all ages. Swimmy happily takes his place as the “eye” of their giant fish creation—finding his ideal spot in the collective, but participating just the same. Free delivery worldwide on over 20 million titles. And it’s for the people. On My Beach There Are Many Pebbles. Pantheon, New York, 1979, Let's Make Rabbits. Pantheon, New York, 1975, renewed 2004, In the Rabbitgarden. Leo Lionni was born in the Netherlands. US$16.99, US$16.22 Many of Leo Lionni’s stories are about community, in the truest sense. 一匹のねずみとおもちゃのねずみの間にうまれた、友情のお話です。, 絵の具で描かれた青や黄色のまるが生き生きと動きまわり、絵本ならではの夢と感動をもたらしてくれる。作者が孫のために作ったという人間愛あふれる絵本。, 羽のない小鳥チコが、大空を飛べるようになった時、仲間たちは?レオ・レオーニの知られざる名作、待望の初邦訳!, あきらめないで!どんなに高い壁だって乗り越える方法はきっと見つかる。小さな知恵と勇気で世界を変えた1ぴきのねずみの物語。, 一本の木とふたごの子ネズミがともに過ごす一年間。訪れる季節の変化とそこで育まれる温かな友情を描いたレオーニ後期の名作絵本。, 1月から12月、それぞれの月を季節感たっぷりに楽しむねずみたち。そんなねずみたちの一年に谷川俊太郎が詩をつけました。短いけれど、ゆっくり読める宝物のような絵本です。贈り物にもおすすめです。, 英語と日本語の両方で楽しめる「スイミー」です。洋書・和書それぞれの文章の位置や区切りも忠実にレイアウトされています。英語学習にも最適ですよ。 小さな黒い魚スイミーは、兄弟みんながおおきな魚にのまれ、ひとりぼっちに。海を旅するうちに、さまざまなすばらしいものを見ます。そして、再び、大きな魚に出会いますが…。世界中で翻訳され、日本でもロングセラーを記録しているレオ=レオニの代表作です。, ムギをめぐって6わのからすと農夫が知恵くらべ。でも、そんなことをしているあいだに畑のムギは…。敵だと思いこんでいた相手とだって、ちゃんと話せば、きっとわかりあえる。. Below we have listed five Leo Lionni books and a brief description of what is included for each in the download. Leo Lionni, illustrator, author Pantheon, 1970. Knopf, New York, 1982. Its Mine. In Lionni’s books, there is no competition, no jealousy, no territoriality. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS BOOKS 絵本+α はまべにはいしがいっぱい 好学社 谷川 俊太郎 1500円(本体価格) 購入する レオ=レオニが3冊目に作った絵本。入手困難だった幻の絵本が待望の復刊! えんぴつ1本でレオ=レオ … Created by Grove Atlantic and Electric Literature. US$17.99, US$15.80 I was little—two years old or so, which I know because in these memories, my mother is not pregnant with my younger sister yet—but I would memorize the words from listening to him speak them. It can also focus on friendships and what makes a friendship. The Alphabet Tree. Frederick. I know we read A Color of His Own together—I remember sitting on the floor in their house in Flushing, holding it. So Swimmy comes up with a plan: he teaches all the fish how to swim together, so that they can take the form of a giant fish. Astor-Honor, New York, 1959, renewed 1987, ** Inch by Inch. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Leo Lionni books online. レオ=レオニが3冊目に作った絵本。入手困難だった幻の絵本が待望の復刊! えんぴつ1本でレオ=レオニが描いた、たくさんの石。ざらざらの石、つるつるの石、あれ?この石は顔に見える・・・。不思議だね、ずっとながめていたくなる・・・, 小学校の国語の教科書に30年掲載されているロングセラー。ついに大型絵本になりました! Astor-Honor, New York,1961, renewed 1989, ** Swimmy. Autobiography, Knopf, New York, 1997. In Lionni’s oeuvre, this is mediated through art. The fish and the mice accept Swimmy and Frederick even though they are different, and when the time comes, Swimmy and Frederick figure out how to use their differences to help the community. My Croatian grandfather—my Nono—who had long before taught himself to read English from newspapers after he immigrated to New York City in 1950, would read with me. But during these years, he also did work as a designer for private clients, illustrating graphics for clients like MoMA and Olivetti. Little Blue and Little Yellow. Pantheon, New York, 1971, renewed 1998, The Greentail Mouse. See all books authored by Leo Lionni, including A Color of His Own, and Swimmy, and more on Knopf, New York, 1987, Tillie and The Wall.