Gaboon Viper - Fresno Chaffee Zoo. The longest on record were 5.8cm (2.3in) long. 2020. Though these snakes are short and stout, they make up for it with their 2 in long fangs and their venomous bites. "Bitis gabonica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. This color can vary greatly being brown, tan, cream and purple. They can be very prone to upper respiratory infections and scale rot. Coloration can vary quite a bit but some are brightly colored with bright blues, greens, reds and yellows. They have a head size of 6 in. These animals do not care about who feeds them or where their food comes from, they only care that they are getting food. Full Name: Gaboon Adder (Bitis gabonica) Other Names: Gaboon Viper; Gaboenadder; Skoenlapperadder. How Do You Take Care of a Turtle at Home. 2020. The eggs develop in the body for 7 months prior to birth. Rhino vipers like humidity levels to be on the high side. To give a brief description of where I was at in life, I was working a 9-5 full time job where pets were welcomed at all times. They are the largest of the true viper species. Hemotoxins are frequently employed by venomous animals, including vipers and pit vipers. Unlike most snakes which release quickly after the bite they will hold their prey till it is immobilized. There is no parental care and they are on their own from soon after birth. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up. 2006. Can discuss price if you are interested!". Map … "Bitis gabonica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 July 2020]. I was also living in an apartment with a roommate who gladly volunteered to pick the puppy up with me. Like the gaboon viper, you can allow the temps to drop 5 to 8 degrees at night. Proper temps and humidity cannot be maintained in this type of set up. .css-d8ali9-Footer{padding:1em;}.css-1bjgiud-SiteLink-Footer{color:#1A1A1A;padding:1em;}ExploreContactPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseSupport. Also injecting the prey items with water or electrolytes is a good idea. Who would want a dog when they could have a legit fox? Send a Message; About ASI; Gaboon Adder. Often even if stepped on they will not bite. If you are using paper towels as a substrate you should offer some sort of hide spot. London: DK. Lol that's not true cuz u can still be affected if you happen to eat the head esp where it contains the venom gland . There is no specific antivenin produced for the rhino viper but the drug (SAIMR polyent) used to treat gaboon viper bites has been used on rhino bites with good results. Neil would come home from school and I would be waiting for him. The average temps required for the rhino viper are somewhat on the cool side. Like the gaboon viper, you can allow the humidity to drop if you will be cycling them for breeding. Rhinos do not do well in the heat. The oils and fumes can be fatal to your reptile. All venomous snakes, no matter how mild should be respected. It is a very painful bite for this reason. After getting supplies and preparing to welcome my new baby, the "owner" said okay how about $50 for the Husky and you pick him up tonight. To be more specific, a 3 month old baby Husky. There is not much documented on the venom of the rhino viper….. Yes, yes I did. My roomie was on board, I was finally getting a puppy, everything seemed right in the world! The gaboon viper is sometimes known as the rhinoceros viper due to the horn like scales over the nose though this can lead to confusion with the closely related species, ‘Bitis nasicornis.’, Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada / CC BY (, Burnie, D., 2011. Another common name for the rhino viper is “The river jack”. The cool end of the cage should average between 70 and 75 degrees. However, they are highly venomous and have caused human fatalities. In my heart I felt ready to take on this big responsibility (or so I thought) and decided now was the right time to finally get a puppy. These snakes, like most venomous snakes, can lash out when scared. Another beautiful example of the bitis family is the Rhino Viper. If the temps get too high for a long period of time they will die as a result. 22nd Oct 2017 Snakes, Southern African Snakes, Very Dangerous Johan Marais. You should offer them a basking spot but chances are they will never use it. Light and dark lines radiate from around their eyes. The exotic pet industry is booming, especially as people begin to see pets as an extension of themselves. Gaboon vipers are a heavy, wide bodied snake. You will find that rhino vipers tend to soak in their water dishes often. An average clutch is made up of 30-40 young though some as large as 60 have been recorded. Never use pine or cedar shavings. This is not true; we cannot tame these wild creatures. Venom not poison and it has to be injected into the bloodstream to affect you not ingesting it through the mouth into the stomach. 2006. Some large individuals have been recorded eating. Like the gaboon viper, in the wild, they blend in perfectly with the ground and vegetation. They do well with levels maintained between 70% to 80%. Cypress mulch is a great substrate to use. They have small eyes with a vertical slit pupil. Though it is rare that these snakes bite, this does not mean that while hiking through the rainforests of Africa you can hike carelessly; you should still be cautious about stepping on one of these snakes. Also, these animals do not have human emotions, they only care about their next meals. Gaboon Viper. Loss of an affected limb is possible even with prompt treatment. Keeping a large water basin in the cage is a good idea. You want to use a substrate that holds humidity well. These animals are wild animals with ways to kill its food; these animals are making their way into people's homes because some people think that they can tame them or they think that these snakes have human feelings and emotions. There is no specific antivenin produced for the rhino viper but the drug (SAIMR polyent) used to treat gaboon viper bites has been used on rhino bites with good results. Snake hooks, restraint tubes, and trap boxes should be used. Powered by Vocal © 2020 Jerrick Ventures LLC. Smithsonian's National Zoo. All Rights Reserved. Breeding takes place during the rainy season. Along their body are ridged scales and the body is broken up in to geometric shapes which each feature different coloration. Adults can be fed 1 to 2 times a week as long as you are not offering them huge prey items. They make their home in rainforests, woodlands, gallery forest and swamps. Available at: [Accessed 16 July 2020]. I got into the dirt and tracked it all over the carpet. The rhino viper inhabits Benin, The Congo, Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Nigeria, The Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Leone, Sudan, Togo, Cabina, and Tanzania. I always told him about my day, just so I could hear it. This display typically sees two rivals intertwine their bodies and attempt to push the head of their opponent to the ground. Humans affect their population in small amounts through habitat loss. Gaboon Viper. People make a mistake bringing these snakes into their homes, allowing for an accident to happen, and when someone is bitten, it causes harm to them and the snake because the snake ends up getting killed because someone thought they could tame it or that the snake actually cared about that person. I am a new published author trying to make it in the world. Their heads look like a fallen leaf, making camouflage easy in their habitat. It is always a good idea to bake or microwave any natural bedding to rid it of any unwanted insect life or parasites. These types of cage possess a risk to the keeper as well as the snake. It is suggested that the rhino viper’s venom contains many of the same properties as the gaboon viper but may be a little lesser in toxicity. Their main defense is to remain camouflaged though if this is ineffective they will rise up and display their fangs in a ‘yawn.’ They can bite animals which threaten them though this appears to be rare. Join Our Mailing List to Get Daily Animal Profiles & Animal News Delivered to Your Mailbox. If you find that your rhino viper does not drink readily from a standing water supply, hooking it over to the dish every couple of days is a good way to make sure it is drinking. In my mind I thought well this would be amazing to have a best friend for life whom I can spend all day with and take to work. I guess i'll start from the beginning. These snakes can open their mouths almost 180 degrees and can rotate their fangs. Their habitat consists of dense forested areas, swamps and around rivers. The deadly venom of the Gaboon viper has granted it a justifiably frightening reputation. Gaboon Viper - Bitis gabonica Bitis gabonica, commonly known as the Gaboon viper, is a venomous viper species found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. The venom causes many of the same local, general, and clinical effects as the venom of the gaboon viper. Most of the time, tossing your dog a couple of scraps of dinner won't hurt. Tailing any bitis can be risky and is not advised unless you 100% confident in your skills and have a death wish so don’t do it. They have good sized fangs. The gaboon viper is a carnivore. If you acquire a new rhino, you should allow it a week or so to settle into its new home. Know Your Venom; Antivenom; Emergency Numbers; News. The rhino viper can be a very rewarding species to keep but the captive requirement are a bit different than that of the gaboon viper. They sit and wait for a rodent or other prey item to cross their path. Then Neil laughed and laughed. The house sparrow is among the most common birds seen in gardens in Britain, however, their urban population is declining in Britain. The rhino viper can be a bit defensive at times and become agitated more quickly than the gaboon viper.